Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update Daily Investment News

IHSG Akhir Ditutup Naik 5,81 Poin
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Rabu (9/6) ditutup naik 5,81 poin (0,21%) ke level 2.785,79 karena mengikuti bursa regional. Pergerakan indeks diwarnai dengan 129 saham naik, 74 saham masih mengalami pelemahan dan 64 saham tercatat stagnan. Volume perdagangan sebanyak 4,4 miliar saham senilai Rp2,4 triliun. Indeks saham JII turun 1,1 poin ke 440,92 dan indeks saham LQ45 juga naik 0,1 poin ke 538,62.

Peringkat Obligasi Jasa Marga Naik Jadi 'idAA'
PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) menaikkan peringkat obligasi PT Jasa Marga Tbk (Persero) (JMSR) dari idAA- menjadi idAA.

PT Trias Santosa Tbk (TRST) membantah akan diakuisisi Grup Djarum.

 PT Sarinah masih mempertimbangkan rencana initial public offering (IPO) yang semual direncanakan pada 2011 atau 2012 mendatang, akan undur lagi hingga 2013 mendatang.

Rencana kenaikan tarif tol pada akhir Juni 2010 mendatang akan mendorong kenaikan saham Jasa Marga (JSMR) dan saham konstruksi lainnya.

CMNP Lunasi Obligasi Rp100 Miliar
PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP) telah melunasi utang pokok obligasi III tahun 2005 seri C dengan tingkat bunga tetap sebesar Rp100 miliar pada 8 Juni 2010.

PT Adhi Karya Tbk (ADHI) akan membagikan dividen sebesar Rp 28,25 per lembar dari perolehan laba bersih di tahun 2009 yang tercatat Rp 165,529 miliar. Total dividen yang dibagikan setara dengan 30% dari laba bersih.

PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) akan membagikan dividen sebesar Rp 6 per lembar atas perolehan laba bersih perseroan di tahun buku 2009 yang tercatat Rp 308,73 miliar.

PT Pelat Timah Nusantara/Latinusa Tbk (NIKL) segera menandatangani komitmen pinjaman dari PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI) senilai Rp 200 miliar.

PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk (SRGO) akan membagikan dividen sebesar Rp 45 per saham atas perolehan laba bersih di tahun buku 2009, yang tercatat Rp 281,766 miliar. Dividen akan dibagikan pada 16 Juli 2010.

PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) berencana untuk melakukan penerbitan saham baru tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD) sebesar 10%. Harga saham yang ditawarkan dalam aksi korporasi ini adalah Rp 2.366 per saham. Manajemen BUMI akan meminta persetujuan pemegang saham dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) untuk rencana penerbitan saham baru ini. RUPSLB rencananya akan dilakukan pada 24 Juni 2010

Bursa Awasi Pergerakan Saham CNKO
Bursa Efek Indonesia saat ini tengah mengamati pergerakan saham PT Central Korporindo Internasional Tbk (CNKO).

Tifico Fiber Tenderkan Saham Publik ke 4 Perusahaan
PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia Tbk menawarkan tender kepada 4 perusahaan sasaran maksimal 60.882.300 saham.

TINS Realisasikan Biaya Opex Rp5,85 Miliar
PT Timah (Persero) Tbk (TINS) telah merealisasikan biaya operasional expenditure (opex) sebesar Rp5,85 miliar hingga Mei 2010.

IHSG Rabu Pagi Menguat 4,02 Poin ke 2.784
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) pada perdagangan Rabu (9/6) pagi menguat 4,02 poin atau naik 0,14% ke level 2.784.

BUMI Bisa Naik, ‘Speculative Buy’
Saham BUMI, Rabu (9/6) diprediksikan menguat terbatas seiring positifnya sentimen market. Pelaku pasar bermain intraday trading. Speculative buy BUMI!

PT Molindo Raya Industrial Tbk akan menawarkan 650 lembar saham dalam Initial Public Offering (IPO) atau penawaran umum saham perdana. Demikian prospektus ringkat Molino di Jakarta, Rabu (9/6). Saham baru yang dikeluarkan dari portopel perseroan dengan nilai nominal Rp250 setiap saham, yang mewakili 30,29% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor perseroan setelah menawaran umum dan ditawarkan kepada masyarakat.

Para bandar dikabrkan menggerek saham PT Jasa Marga Tbk (JSMR) di atas level Rp2.000 seiring rencana pemerintah menaikkan tarif tol ruas Cikampek-Jakarta sebesar 10-20% mulai Juli 2010. Bandar pun tengah merespon positif rencana perseroan berkongsi dengan PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PTPP) untuk membangun kota mandiri di Surabaya.

Saham PT Trias Sentosa Tbk (TRST) dikabarkan akan dibawa ke harga buku dalam waktu dekat. Grup Djarum disebut-sebut akan mengakuisisi saham Trias. Pengambilalihan ini dengan cara mengambil kepemilikan saham milik PT Kopanca Linggabuana. Djarum pun meminati saham Trias karena mensinergikan usaha perseroa ndengan perusahaan yang mereka kelola. Para bandar pun akan menggerek saham TRST ke level Rp280-300 dalam waktu dekat.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) mengakuisisi saham Bank Agroniaga. Kabar beredar bahwa harga akuisisi akan dipasang di level 2.00. Tersiar kabar bahwa akuisisi AGRO oleh BBRI akan dilakukan di harga Rp200. Namun, belum ada penjelasan resmi dari otoritas bursa mengenai hal ini.

PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantation Tbk (UNSP) menargetkan pendapatan tumbuh sekitar 20%-25% pada 2010. Pendapatan ini belum termasuk dari kontribusi produksi oleo-chemical.

PT Bakrie and Brothers Tbk (BNBR) menjajaki co investment kepada 5 investor termasuk fund manager global.

NAB Industri Reksadana Anjlok Rp396,045 Miliar
Bapepam-LK mencatatkan penurunan NAB industri reksadana pada Juni 2010 sekitar Rp396,045 miliar menjadi Rp118,229 triliun.

PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk (UNSP) optimis akan mengakuisisi 6 perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Grup Domba Mas. Hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantation Tbk (UNSP) memutuskan pembagian dividen sebesar Rp3,8 per lembar saham.

CIMB Niaga Siap Tawarkan Obligasi Rp 1,5 Triliun
nilai obligasi bernama Obligasi Subordinasi I Bank CIMB Niaga 2010 ini mencapai Rp 1,5 triliun

HERO Bangun 15 Gerai Giant
HERO juga masih mencari lokasi strategis untuk membangun gerai lain

Corporate news
BNBR: Cari Mitra Strategis
PJAA: Ancol Luncurkan Wahana Kolam Apung Senilai Rp 5 M
TMPI: Incar Dua Tambang Emas
UNSP: Akuisisi Domba Mas Masih Terbentur Masalah Utang
KARK: Chungrim Global Berpeluang Kuasai 30% Saham Dayaindo
BLTA: Alokasikan Rp600 M untuk Capex
AQUA: Bapepam-LK Izinkan Aqua Go-Private
TBMS: Bidik Penjualan Rp3,5 Triliun
AISA: TPS Food Siapkan Investasi Rp 360 Miliar
PTPP: PP dan KS Cari Pinjaman Rp2,6 Triliun
BNII: Proyeksikan Kredit Konsumsi Capai Rp15,61 Triliun
BBNI: Siap Danai Proyek PP Rp9,72 Triliun

Corporate Action
    * Hari ini (9/6), cum dividen tunai Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY) Rp 1 per saham Ex dividen (10 Jun 2010)
    * Hari ini (9/6), cum dividen tunai Multipolar Tbk (MLPL) Rp 2,15 per saham Ex dividen (10 Jun 2010)
    * Hari ini (9/6), cum dividen tunai Total Bangun Persada Tbk (TOTL) Rp 7,5 per saham Ex dividen (10 Jun 2010)
    * Hari ini (9/6), cum bonus Total Bangun Persada Tbk (TOTL), rasio 24(new) : 100(old) Ex date (10 Jun 2010)

Sumber:, detikfinance (market flash), kontan

IMF Says Risks to Economy Have Risen ‘Significantly’ (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- Risks to the global economic outlook have “risen significantly” and policy makers have limited room to provide support to growth, International Monetary Fund Deputy Managing Director Naoyuki Shinohara said.

Bumi to Raise $496 Million in Share Sale to Pay Debt (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- PT Bumi Resources plans to raise $495.89 million by selling new shares and use the proceeds to pay debt, Indonesia’s biggest coal producer said in a statement published in Bisnis Indonesia today. The stock gained.

Aussie’s ‘Volatile’ China Ride Spurs HSBC to Drop Parity Call
(Bloomberg) -- HSBC Plc dropped its forecast for the Australian dollar to reach parity by year-end, citing a “bumpy and volatile ride” ahead for the currency because of the risk China’s property bubble may deflate and the potential for “contagion” to affect the South Pacific nation’s banks.

Fed Rate Increase Pushed to 2011 as Inflation Ebbs, Survey Says
Record-low inflation and prolonged unemployment mean the Federal Reserve will hold off raising interest rates until 2011, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.

Olsen Sees `Bumpy Ride' for U.S. Stocks Through Year End: Video

Bear Options at Record as Wien Says Stocks to Rally (Correct)
(Bloomberg) -- Confidence in stocks is sinking to record lows in the options market even with the U.S. economy poised for its fastest growth in six years, a sign to Blackstone Group LP’s Byron Wien that it’s time to buy.

Fund Managers Turn Bullish on EM Stocks, HSBC Says (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- Money managers have turned more bullish on emerging-market stocks and bonds because of an economic recovery, according to a survey by HSBC Holdings Plc.

Global Equity Funds Absorb $1.5 Billion in Week (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- Global tracked equity funds absorbed about $1.5 billion in the week ended June 2, helped by inflows to European stocks as investors speculated that Germany’s exports will benefit from the euro’s declines, EPFR Global said.

Stock Splits Go ‘Out of Fashion’ for S&P 500: Chart of the Day
(Bloomberg) -- Three companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index are splitting their shares this week. A decade ago, this would have been a routine number. Now it qualifies as a deluge.

U.S. Reduces 2010 Oil Price, World Demand Estimates (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Energy Department reduced its crude oil price forecast for 2010 on concern that global economic growth may slow and on ample U.S. stockpiles.

Asian Stocks Decline for Third Time in Four Days on Europe, Yen
(Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks fell for the third time in four days as the stronger yen dragged down Japanese exporters and on concern Europe’s debt crisis

Are Stocks Near Bear Market? Some Pros See Danger Signs
While the stock market bear may not have made his way quite to Wall Street yet, he's at least in the neighborhood.

Why We Won’t Revisit Dow 6,500
The stock market is worse off than it was a month and a half ago, Cramer said during Tuesday's Mad Money, but that doesn't mean we're in for a repeat of 2008 and early 2009.

These Big Banks to See 'Double Digit Returns' by 2011
Contagion fears and regulatory reform uncertainties have created a difficult climate for financial stocks. But Betsy Graseck, large cap bank analyst at Morgan Stanley, and Moshe Orenbuch, research analyst and managing director at Credit Suisse, told investors that there are still some attractive names in the sector.

Ten Bearish Factors Facing the Economy: O'Neill
There are ten key factors facing the economic recovery which investors need to be cautious of, Jim O'Neill, head of global economic research at Goldman Sachs, wrote in a research note Sunday.

Why US Investors Should Not Buy Gold: Strategist
Gold hit a record high above $1,250 an ounce on Tuesday as concern over Europe's economic outlook lifted risk aversion. So is there still room for investors to buy the precious metal?

Gartman: Deep-Water Ban Won't Send Oil Prices Soaring
You know the spill in the gulf will have a big impact on the environment. But will it have a huge impact on your wallet?

Wednesday: Bernanke Could Call the Tune for Stocks
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony before the House Budget Committee Wednesday could temporarily shift investor focus from Europe to the U.S. economy.

Daily Forex Technicals |   Written by FXtechtrade
Today's support: - 1.1891, 1.1867 and 1.1883(main), where correction is possible. Break would give 1.1812, where correction also may be. Then follows 1.1792. Break of the latter would result in 1.1770. If a strong impulse, we would see 1.1742. Continuation will give 1.1721 and 1.1696.
Today's resistance: - 1.1984 and 1.2027(main). Break would give 1.2052, where a correction is possible. Then goes 1.2071. Break of the latter would result in 1.2103. If a strong impulse, we'd see 1.2122. Continuation will give 1.2146.
Today's support: - 91.11, 90.82, 90.38 and 90.08(main). Break would bring 89.75, where correction is possible. Then 89.31, where a correction may also happen. Break of the latter will give 89.10. If a strong impulse, we would see 88.76. Continuation would give 88.23.
Today's resistance: - 92.03, 91.28 and 92.70(main), where a correction may happen. Break would bring 92.82, where also a correction may be. Then 92.98. If a strong impulse, we would see 93.17. Continuation will give 93.34.
Today's support: - 9807.00(main), where a delay and correction may happen. Break of the latter will give 9772.60, where correction also can be. Then follows 9737.80. Be there a strong impulse, we shall see 9705.30. Continuation will bring 9663.22 and 9633.28.
Today's resistance: - 9990.10, 10026.72 and 10082.20(main), where a delay and correction may happen. Break would bring 10119.37, where a correction may happen. Then follows 10155.13, where a delay and correction could also be. Be there a strong impulse, we'd see 10198.11. Continuation would bring 10237.50 and 10262.80.

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