Friday, January 22, 2010

Laporan Fundamental & Rumor Saham Indonesia 22-01

Harga saham PT Bank Bumi Arta (BNBA) berpeluang menembus harga bukunya sebesar Rp178 dalam waktu dekat. Kabar yang beredar dipasar mengenai negosiasi pembelian saham perseroan oleh investor asal Eropa akan menjadi momentum kenaikan harga BNBA. Selain itu salah satu bank BUMN juga berniat menawar saham perseroan untuk memperkuat bisnis kredit mikro dan UMKM

Harga saham BLTA dikabarkan bakal diangkat menuju level Rp850-1.000 dalam jangka pendek maupun menengah. Perseroan disebut-sebut segera menuntaskan akuisisi Camilo Etizen (CECO). Keberhasilan perusahaan memperoleh kontrak pengangkutan semen dan migas, serta pembelian kapal bakal berdampak positif.

Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dibuka langsung anjok tajam hingga menembus level psikologis 2.600 seiring dengan kejatuhan bursa-bursa di seluruh dunia. Hampir seluruh bursa regional mengalami koreksi di atas 1%. IHSG dibuka di level 2.636,962, turun tipis dibanding penutupan kemarin di level 2.638,382. Koreksi terus berlanjut hingga sempat menyentuh level 2.585,713. Hanya 8 saham yang mengalami kenaikan. Sebanyak 110 saham mengalami koreksi tajam.Sebagian saham-saham raksasa berkapitalisasi besar jatuh di atas 2%. Tak ada raksasa yang luput dari koreksi pada perdagangan pagi ini. Indeks saham tambang mengalami koreksi palinga besar sebesar 49 poin (2,12%) ke level 2.281,390, disusul indeks saham perkebunan jatuh 34 poin (1,6%) ke level 1.863,967.IHSG pukul 09.45 waktu JATS bertenggar di level 2.599,973, turun 38,409 poin (1,45%). Indeks LQ45 jatuh 8,242 poin (1,58%) ke level 510,171.

Nilai tukar rupiah mengawali perdagangan akhir pekan ini dengan kemerosotan 100 poin. Namun Bank Indonesia (BI) diduga akan segera masuk ke pasar menahan laju pelemahan rupiah. Pada perdagangan Jumat (22/1/2010), rupiah dibuka merosot ke level 9.400 per dolar AS dolar AS, dibandingkan penutupan kemarin di level 9.300 per dolar AS.Kemerosotan rupiah terjadi seiring menguatnya dolar AS di pasar global. Investor kini kembali memburu 'safe-havens' menyusul rontoknya bursa-bursa utama dunia merespons negatif rencana Presiden Obama membatasi operasional perbankan.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) telah menyetujui penerbitan saham baru atau rights issue di awal tahun 2010. Perseroan akan menerbitkan 627,66 juta saham baru dengan harga penawaran Rp 860 per saham.

Hexindo Cetak Pendapatan US$ 237 Juta
PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk (HEXA) membukukan pendapatan US$ 237 juta atau setara Rp 2,37 triliun hingga akhir Desember 2009. Angka itu mencapai 76,45% dari target pendapatan akhir buku Maret 2010.

Delapan Sekuritas Targetkan Jual Sukuk Ritel Rp 2,32 Triliun
Delapan perusahaan sekuritas menargetkan penjualan sukuk ritel atau sukri seri SR 002 sebesar Rp 2,32 triliun. Surat utang syariah yang diterbitkan pemerintah itu ditawarkan mulai 25 Januari- 5 Februari 2010.

Pemegang Saham Tolak Penerbitan Obligasi BFI
PT Aryaputra Teguharta, pemegang saham 32,32% atas BFI Finance Indoensai menolak penerbitan obligasi BFIN Rp200 miliar. Rencananya, obligasi ini efektif 15 Januari 2010.

Matahari Berpeluang Dijual ke Peritel Jepang
Manajemen PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA) berpeluang menjual aset Matahari Department Store (MDS) ke peritel Jepang. Setelah dialihkan ke Matahari Department Store.

Mackenzie Cuncill Investment Management Ltd telah menjual 16.248.000 juta saham PT Arpeni Ocean Pratama Line Tbk (APOL) dimulai dari 2-10 Desember 2009.

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menerapkan status tersangka atas Direktur Umum Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Djoko Pramono.

Imbal Hasil Sukuk Ritel 8,7%
Sukuk ritel ini memiliki jangka waktu tiga tahun. Pemerintah mematok target awal dari penjualan sukuk ritel ini sebesar Rp 3 triliun.

Penjualan Alat Berat UNTR Tahun Lalu Anjlok 28,40%
Sepanjang tahun 2009, penjualan alat berat UNTR turun 28,40% menjadi 3.111 unit.

Bakrie Toll Siapkan Obligasi Rp 1 Triliun
Bakrie Toll Road akan menerbitkan obligasi senilai Rp 500 miliar hingga Rp 1 triliun untuk membangun jalan tol.

Economic: Depkeu Emisi 4 Seri Obligasi
Pemerintah menargetkan pembiayaan dari pasar domestik sebesar Rp5 T melalui penerbitan 4 jenis obligasi berdenominasi rupiah pada 26 Januari 2010. Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Depkeu menjelaskan keempat jenis obligasi rupiah yang akan diterbitkan pada tahap ketiga adalah seri SPN20110113, FR0031, FR0040 dan FR0050. Setiap seri obligasi reopening itu mempunyai nilai nominal per unit Rp1 juta.

Economic: Revisi Belanja Dorong Laju Ekonomi
Bappenas memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan mampu mencapai 6% pada tahun ini menyusul rencana penambahan belanja dalam APBN-P. Wakil Menteri Negara Bappenas mengatakan faktor yang dapat mengakselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya dari sisi belanja pemerintah, tetapi juga perbaikan kondisi pasar dan ekonomi dunia.

Banking: BI: 4 Bank Alami Kerugian Sekitar Rp 5 Miliar
Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat potensi kerugian material nasabah perbankan akibat pembobolan dana lewat ATM meningkat dari jumlah sebelumnya Rp 4,1 miliar. Sampai dengan hari ini jumlah potensi kerugian dari 4 bank mencapai Rp 5 miliar.

General: Tips Bertransaksi Aman di ATM

Berikut tips yang dijelaskan Kepala Divisi Operasional PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. (BBRI) Triyana.
1. Pastikan saat memasuki mesin ATM tidak ada orang dibelakang, atau tidak ada yang membututi.
2. Pastikan tidak ada kamera yang mencurigakan di dalam ruangan mesin ATM.
3. Pastikan lubang tempat memasukan kartu tidak ada tonjolan. Jika ternyata ada, besar kemungkinan itu adalah reader yang dipasang sindakat untuk mencuri data dan PIN nasabah yang bersangkutan.
4. Langkah bijak lain adalah ganti sesering mungkin angka unik atau PIN yang dimiliki nasabah.

MPPA: Berpeluang Dijual
Manajemen PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk membuka peluang menjual aset Matahari Departemen Store (MDS) kepada peritel Jepang, setelah merestrukturisasi dan mengalihkan aset kepada PT Matahari Department Store Tbk. Matahari Putra menuntaskan restrukturisasi kepemilikan MDS kepada PT Pacific Utama Tbk yang kini berubah nama menjadi PT Matahari Department Store Tbk pada Desember 2009 setelah mengambilalih aset department store melalui transfer kepemilikan sebanyak 90,76% saham.

HEXA: Cetak Pendapatan US$237 Juta
PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk membukukan pendapatan US$237 juta hingga akhir Desember 2009. Angka itu mencapai 76,45% dari target pendapatan akhir buku Maret 2010. Sebagian pendapatan etrsebut masih disumbnag dari penjualan alat berat. Hexindo telah menjual 1.100 unit alat berat atau sekitar 78,57% dari target.

DOID: Delta Dunia Gandeng Darma Henwa Garap Tambang
DOID melalui anak usahanya, PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (Buma) telah menandatangani Head of Agreements (HoA) dengan DEWA. Dalam perjanjian ini, BUMA bertindak sebagai sub kontraktor dari operasi DEWA. Namun, HoA ini bersifat penjajakan dan masih dalam tahap awal. Hingga perjanjian dinilai tidak mengikat dan belum ada kepastian tentang syarat dan nilai kontraknya.

TRUB: Kantongi Proyek US$20 Juta
PT Alam Manungal Engineering Tbk (TRUB) melalui anak usahanya, PT Truba Jaya Engineering mangantongi proyek senilai US$20,05 juta sepanjang Januari 2010. Proyek tersebut diperoleh dari PTJurong Engineering Lestari dan Sumitomo Corporation. Truba akan mengerjakan proyek kelistrikan senilai US$5,5 juta dari Jurong Engineering dan PLTU miliki Sumitomo sebesar US$14,55 juta.

Sumber: Investordaily, kontan,,

Daily Technical Analysis IHSG

IHSG menunjukkan signal negatif dari pola candle doji star / bearish long opening marubozu (momentum kenaikan terbatas), setelah gagal untuk kesekian kalinya ditutup diatas middle line channel, meski ADX terkoreksi (momentum penurunan lemah), stochastic crossing down (signal bearish), MACD bullish, seharusnya memberikan support kepada IHSG. Hitungan EW: extendnya wave 5 dalam sub wave iv/3 diperkirakan berakhir di 2.694 (1.618x wave 1) seharusnya mendorong strategy sell on rally untuk proses wave koreksi abc dalam 4/5 untuk target 2.596 (38.2% FR) dan extend ke 2.565 (former high), selama tidak tembus diatas high 2.689. Berdasarkan Analisa Gann Square, IHSG dapat capai 3.150 selama bertahan di atas support line 2.100 hingga akhir Maret, target 3.450 di Juni jika bertahan diatas 2.360. Bila gagal ditutup di atas support target 1.500/1.800 di H2 2010. Hold buy 2.630 target 2.695/2.720 stop dibawah 2.580
Resistance: 2684.77/2673.172661.57/2651.52. PP 2641.47
Support : 2629.87/2618.28/2608.22/2598.17

Daily Technical Analysis Forex Global

Euro menunjukkan signal netral dari pola candle morning star (signal bearish reversal), berada di down channel dan 5 & 20 MA menunjukkan crossing down, volume meningkat, breakout support line triangle didukung indikator ADX rebound, stochastic crossing down, MACD bearish, seharusnya mendukung penurunan lebih lanjut, selama berada di bawah 1.4215. Trend Euro berbalik bearish jangka pendek dan bearish jangka menengah. Hitungan EW menunjukkan formasi ascending triangle telah breakout dalam koreksi 5- C/X selama tidak menembus 1.4578 target 1.40-1.38. Sell 1.4410 target 1.4300 stop 50p, buy 1.3810 target 1.4250 stop 50p, sell break 1.4000 target 1.3850 stop 50p. Buy break 1.4140 & 1.4220 trgt 1.4350, buy 1.4020 target 1.4250 stop 30p.
(-50p) USDJPY memberikan signal negatif dari pola candle downside tasuki (potensi bearish reversal) dan breakout support channel, menunjukkan potensi sell on rally selama ditutup dibawah 90.50 (ex support low). Indikator ADX rebound, MACD berada di teritorial negatif, stochastic crossover down, mendukung perkiraan potensi penurunan terbatas. Hitungan EW menunjukkan USDJPY berada dalam wave impulse iv/3 dalam C, seharusnya mengarah kenaikan ke 88,90/87.30 selama bertahan dibawah 90.50. Resistance 90.50/90.00, support 89.30/88.90. Sell 90.50 target 91.0 stop 20p, buy break 90.70 target 92.00 stop 50p, sell 92.00 target 92.00 stop 50p. Buy break 91.65 target 92.50 stop 40p. Hold Sell 90.50 target 89.00 stop 90.50, buy 89.30 target 92.50.
(+180p-50p-30p) GBP menunjukkan signal negatif dari pola candle two crows (potensi bearish continuation), menunjukkan pola penurunan, meski 5 & 20 MA menunjukkan crossdown, didukung indikator ADX terkoreksi, stochastic crossing down, MACD bulish, seharusnya menunjukkan potensi kenaikan terbatas dan mendukung sell on rally. Hitungan EW menunjukkan kegagalan mencapai 61.8% FR di 1.6474 mendorong berakhirnya v/c dalam B untuk proses 1-5 dalam koreksi C untuk target 1.6065 (38.2% FR)/1.5887. Sell 1.6240 target 1.6000 stop 50p, sell 1.6350 target 1.6200 stop 30p, buy 1.6000 target 1.6350 stop 30p. Buy 1.6100 target 1.6250 stop 50p, buy 1.5900 target 1.6200.
(-50) AUD dapatkan signal negatif dari indikasi pola three black crows (indikasi bearish continuation) dan masih berada dalam uptrend channel, didukung ADX rebound (momentum penurunan kuat), MACD bullish & stochastic crossover down mendukung perkiraan kenaikan terbatas dan berpotensi koreksi penurunan lebih lanjut. Pola head & shoulder & triple top daily membebani kinerja AUD. Hitungan EW menunjukkan wave koreksi 4 dalam B untuk target H&S di 0.8990. Resistance 0.9080/0.9150, support di 0.8980/0.8900. hold buy 0.9000 target 0.9250 stop 50p, sell 0.9220 & Sell 0.9330 target 0.9150 / 0.9050 stop 0.9280, buy break 0.9100 target 0.9220 stop 50p, buy 0.8900 target 0.9150.

Daily Technical Analysis Stock Index Futures

Nikkei memberikan signal positif dari pola bullish harami (indikasi bullish reversal), diikuti indikator ADX terkoreksi, stochastic oscilator crossing down, MACD bullish, volume menunjukkan kenaikan, seharusnya mendukung perkiraan potensi penurunan terbatas dan dapat mendorong buy on weakness hari ini. Kondisi teknikal tersebut mendorong peluang buy on weakness, karena berada diatas 10.775 (5-day MA). Hitungan EW menunjukkan indeks di wave koreksi 4 / B seharusnya telah berakhir. Resistance di 10980/11157. Support 10750/10640. Rekomendasi: Buy 10750 target 11000 stop 60p. buy break 11.100 target 11150 stop 60p, sell 10980 target 10850 stop 30p, buy 10640 target 10880 stop 60p. (-60+60p).
Indeks menunjukkan signal positif dari pola bullish engulfing (indikasi bullish reversal), berada dalam uptrend channel dan 5 & 20 MA golden cross, didukung stochastic crossover buy, ADX rebound, MACD bullish, mendukung potensi kenaikan karena masih berada dalam trend bullish. Hitungan EW menunjukkan telah menyelesaikan wave koreksi ABC dalam 4 untuk proses impulse iii/5 target 228.50/229.80, selama bertahan diatas 225.08. Resistance 227.00/228.40. Support 22.5.80/225.00 Rekomendasi: Buy 218.50 target 223.00 stop 100p, sell 228.10 & 229.80 target 225.00 stop 60p, sell break 223.00 target 217.50, buy 223.50 target 225.50 stop 60p, buy 225.10 target 227.00 stop 60p. (-60p)
Indeks menunjukkan signal negatifl dari pola candle long bearish candle (indikasi bearish continuation) dan selama berada di bawah channel top di 21389, diikuti Indikator ADX rebound, MACD bearish & stochastic crossing down, dukung potensi sell on rally. Support 20700/20550. Resistance 20890/21170. Hitungan EW indeks menunjukkan koreksi wave 5/C. Rekomendasi: Sell 21170 & 21380 target 21000 stop 60p. Buy break 20890 target 21200 stop 60p. Buy break 21450 target 21650 stop 100p, sell break 20500 target 20250 stop 60p, buy 20550 target 20900 stop 60p. (+300-60p)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seminar Prospek Saham Indonesia & Investasi Global 2010

Hari / Tanggal : Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010
Jam : 10.00- selesai

Tempat : Menara BCA LT. 49
jln. MH Thamrin No 1 Jakarta
Pembicara : Mr. Andri Zakarias Siregar
Informasi dan Registrasi : Mrs. Sherly Mamesah
(021)- 2358 6878

By Analisa Fundamental/Teknikal/Sentimen:

1. Saham Indonesia (Top 21)
2. Ekonomi (Indonesia/Asia/AS)
3. Indeks Saham Global (IHSG/DJIA/N225/HSI)
4. Forex (Asia/Eropa/AS)
5. Komoditi (Oil/Emas/CPO/Batu Bara)
6. Obligasi (Indonesia/Global)

Tempat Terbatas. For Free diperuntukan untuk investor UBI Securities & khalayak Investor.

Happy Cuan & Sukses Trading

Laporan Fundamental & Rumor Saham Indonesia 21-01-2010

Harga saham BISI dikabarkan bakal diangkat bandar menuju level Rp2.000 dalam jangka pendek maupun menengah. Perseroan disebut-sebut bakal menggelar aksi korporasi yang sempat tertunda, yakni pemecahan nilai nominal saham an penerbitan saham baru.

Saratoga Capital melalui anak perusahaannya ditengari bakal menguasai sebagian saham PT Abdi Bangsa Tbk (ABBA). Kabar yang beredar di pasar meneybutkan bahwa Saratoga akan mengajukan harga penawaran sekitar Rp150-200 per saham. Langkah tersebut untuk mendukung ekspansi bisnis Grup Saratoga yang telah meluas ke berbagai sektor di antaranya pertambangan, bank, migas, dan properti.

Namun sentimen negatif kembali menaungi pergerakan IHSG pada Kamis (21/1/2010) ini. Anjloknya Wall Street dan bursa regional lainnya akan kembali menekan IHSG. Bursa Wall Street kemarin merosot tajam dengan indeks Dow Jones mencetak penurunan harian terburuk sepanjang 2010. Salah satunya dipicu oleh rencana China membatasi kredit perbankan yang dikhawatirkan mengganggu pemulihan ekonomi.Otoritas China telah memerintahkan bank-bank besar di China untuk membatasi kreditnya hingga sisa bulan ini setelah pada tahun lalu mengalami pertumbuhan kredit yang luar biasa.Pada perdagangan Rabu (20/1/2010), indeks Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) ditutup merosot 122,28 poin (1,14%) ke level 10.603,15. Indeks Standard & Poor's 500 juga melemah 12,19 poin (1,06%) ke level 1.138,04 dan Nasdaq melemah 29,15 poin (1,26%) ke level 2.291,25.Bursa Jepang juga membuka perdagangan Kamis ini dengan penuh kelesuan. Indeks Nikkei-225 dibuka melemah 43,49 poin (0,41%) ke level 10.694,03.Harga minyak $ 77.78, emas $ 1.112.

Pada perdagangan Kamis (21/1/2010), rupiah dibuka menguat tipis ke 9.320 per dolar AS, dibandingkan penutupan kemarin di level 9,330 per dolar AS. Di pasar global, dolar AS kembali menguat atas dua rivalnya, euro dan yen. Euro melemah karena data survei bisnis yang melemah dari Jerman.Euro melemah hingga 1,4103 dolar, dibandingkan sebelumnya di 1,4291 dolar. Euro bahkan sempat menyentuh 1,41 dolar, terendah sejak 19 Agustus. Dolar AS juga menguat atas ke 91,23 yen, dibandingkan sebelumnya di 91,12 yen.Analis mengatakan, pasar kini sedang fokus pada keputusan China untuk membatasi kredit guna mencegah perekonomian yang 'kepanasan'. Keputusan itu dikhawatirkan bisa mengganggu proses pemulihan ekonomi.

Eksekutif Bakrie Group mulai hari ini akan mengadakan rapat besar dengan rombongan eksekutif China Investment Corporation (CIC) untuk membahas proyek-proyek di tahun 2010.

Pada perdagangan Kamis (21/1), harga saham PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR) langsung melejit 6,52% ke Rp245 dari posisi kemarin Rp230. Asing pun mmebeli 1.400.000 saham dengan frekuensi sebanyak 4 kali.

BHIT Segera Akuisisi Asuransi Jiwa dan Umum
BHIT akan memperluas bisnis di bidang jasa keuangan dengan mengakuisisi dua perusahaan asuransi.

Kuartal I- 2010, Euro Bisa Terperosok Menuju Rp 12.500
Para analis memperkirakan, euro masih berpotensi terjun bebas karena pasar khawatir terhadap defisit anggaran Yunani yang membengkak.

Kalbe Farma Segera Bentuk Perusahaan Patungan di Filipina
Proses finalisasi kerjasama tersebut akan rampung dalam dua tiga pekan mendatang.

PT Kageo Igar Tbk (IGAR) telah melakukan pembelian saham kembali alias buyback tahap tiga sebanyak15,08% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor perseroan.

Pada perdagangan Kamis (21/1), harga saham PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR) langsung melejit 6,52% ke Rp245 dari posisi kemarin Rp230. Asing pun mmebeli 1.400.000 saham dengan frekuensi sebanyak 4 kali.

Sejumlah investor telah melakukan pemesanan saham perdana PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) pada kisaran harga Rp 750-800 per saham. Target perolehan dana IPO PP sebesar Rp 832 miliar.

Penerbitan SUN Dongkrak Rupiah
Dengan rencana pemerintah menerbitkan SUN sebesar Rp175,061 triliun akan mendorong investor asing memborong SUN. Sehingga menaikkan nilai aset dan kurs rupiah.

Bakrie Memang Spektakuler
Untuk mengakuisisi sembilan anak usaha Domba Mas, Bakrie akan mengucurkan dana Rp3,16 triliun serta menanggung utang Rp7,152 triliun. Bagaimana nasib pemegang saham UNSP?

Pada tahun 2009, ekonomi China mencatat pertumbuhan hingga 8,7%. Bank Dunia menilai perekonomian China kini sudah mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda 'bubble', di tengah perekonomian dunia yang masih dalam proses pemulihan.Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) China hari ini mengumumkan perekonomian China mulai melesat pada kuartal IV-2009, dengan angka pertumbuhan mencapai 10.7%. Dengan angka pertumbuhan ekonomi 2009 sebesar 8,7%, berarti melampaui target pemerintah China sebesar 8%.

Economic: Ekspor Bahan Mentah ke China akan Kena Pajak
Menperin M.S. Hidayat mengatakan pemerintah secara khusus akan mengenakan pajak ekspor bagi produk bahan mentah yang dipasok ke China menyusul implementasi liberalisasi pasar Asean China (ACFTA). Pengenaan disinsentif tersebut dilakukan sebagai langkah untuk mengantisipasi kelangkaan bahan baku produk industri di dalam negeri.

Economic: Bapepam Perketat Syarat MI
Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) akan membuat persyaratan dan standar baru untuk kontrak pengelolaan dana (KPD/discretionary fund). Kepala Biro Pengelolaan Investasi Djoko Hendratto mengatakan, aturan ini untuk mengurangi kasus pelanggaran KPD. Syarat utama penyelenggaraan KPD adalah harus ada pemisahan rekening nasabah dan manajer investasi (MI). Dana KPD milik MI harus dipisahkan dan ditempatkan di bank kustodian.

Economic: Pemerintah Akan Perluas Fasilitas Subsidi Bunga Industri
Pemerintah akan mempertimbangkan penggunaan perluasan mekanisme subsidi bunga bagi sektor-sektor Industri yang tertekan dari dampak perdagangan bebas ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (AC-FTA). Seperti diketahui lemahnya daya saing industri dalam negeri ditengari menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan ketidaksiapan pengusaha menghadapi AC-FTA. Salah satu penyebab lemahnya daya saing adalah suku bunga perbankan yang tinggi di Tanah Air.

Banking: Pengguna ATM Tak Perlu Panik, Kerugian Ditanggung Bank - BI
BI mengimbau para nasabah perbankan pengguna ATM untuk tidak panik dalam menyikapi kasus-kasus seputar pembobolan rekening lewat ATM. Deputi Gubernur BI Budi Rochadi mengatakan, BI sudah meminta perbankan untuk mengetatkan pengamanan pada mesin-mesin ATM-nya sehingga tidak terjadi lagi pencurian data-data nasabah lewat ATM. Hingga saat ini, BI telah menerima laporan pembobolan rekening nasabah lewat ATM pada 6 bank, yaitu BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, Bank Permata, dan BII.

Agri: Indonesia Naikkan Harga Dasar Ekspor CPO Februari Jadi $ 721
Indonesia menaikkan harga dasar untuk ekspor CPO pada Februari menjadi $ 721 per ton dan mempertahankan tarif pajak penjualan komoditas di luar negeri yaitu sebesar 3%, ungkap kementerian perdagangan.

BBCA: Akan Ganti Kerugian Nasabah
Dana nasabah BBCA raib tiba-tiba di Bali. Sekitar 10 nasabah telah kehilangan uang Rp 1 juta - 5 juta di rekeningnya, meski mereka merasa tak mengadakan transaksi bank sebelumnya. Menanggapi hal ini, BBCA berjanji akan mengganti kerugian para nasabah di Bali terkait raibnya dana nasabah secara tiba-tiba.

KLBF: Segera Bentuk Perusahaan Patungan di Filipina
KLBF tengah merampungkan proses perjanjian dengan perusahaan asal Filipina. Proses finalisasi meliputi besaran nilai dan komposisi investasi di perusahaan joint venture. Selain di Filipina, perusahaan juga akan mengembangkan pasar Asia lewat anak usaha pemasaran regional, Kalbe International Pte Ltd yang berbasis di Singapura.

FREN: Samsung kuasai 11,97% saham Mobile-8
Perusahaan penunjang telekomunikasi Korea Selatan, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, menguasai 11,97% saham FREN melalui konversi utang usaha senilai Rp257,11 miliar pada Desember 2009. Selain itu, PT Mora Telematika Indonesia menguasai 4,18 miliar atau 12,67% saham Mobile-8 melalui Corporate United Investment Limited.

BHIT: Jajaki Akuisisi Perusahaan Tambang
BHIT menjajaki akuisisi perusahaan tambnag batubara dan migas. Perseroan tengah menguji tuntas dua perusahaan. Akuisisi itu ditargetkan terealisasi pada 1Q10. Perseroan berniat menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas atau lebih dari 50% pada perusahaan tambang dan batubara. Perseroan kini memiliki ekuitas senilai US$600 juta dan utang hanya sekitar US$100 juta.

BBNI: BNI Securities Buyback Obligasi Rp5 Miliar
PT BNI Securities telah buyback obligasi I tahun 2007 senilai Rp5 miliar atau sekitar 1,66% dari total obligasi perusahaan. Nilai obligasi perusahaan ini mencapai Rp300 miliar dan jatuh tempo 10 Mei 2012. Penerbitan obligasi itu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan modal kerja.

TRAM: Dana IPO Tersisa Rp427 Miliar
TRAM masih menyisakan dana sebesar Rp427,16 miliar dari hasil IPO saham. Tahun lalu, perusahaan pelayaran tersebut meraup dana hasil IPO sebesar Rp500 miliar. Pihak perseroan baru menggunakan dana sebesar Rp53,33 miliar atau sekitar 10,66% dari dana hasil IPO. Sementara itu, dari 1 miliar waran yang diterbitkan pada 10 September 2008, sekitar 3,29 juta di antaranya telah dikonversi sebanyak 996,7 juta saham.

PTBA: Melakukan Negosiasi Dengan Indonesia Power
PTBA dan PT Indonesia Power mencapai kesepakatan untuk renegosiasi harga pasokan batubara seebssar 5,5 juta ton untuk tahun ini di atas Rp500 ribu per ton. Dalam kesepakatan itu, PTBA akan memasok batubara sebesar 5,5 juta ton dari sebelumnya sekitar 6,1 juta ton untuk kebutuhan batubara PLTU Suralaya yang dikelola Indonesia Power tahun ini.

Sumber:, (Market Flash),, Investordaily.

Update Daily Investment News

Is Market On Brink Of Major Correction?
By: Lee Brodie Producer
Are chances of a major correction growing? Two widely followed market strategists are both concerned that the market is over-extended. Richard Bernstein who called the tech bubble and veteran trader Gary Kaminksy are both ringing bells of caution.

China Losing to U.S. Among Investments of Choice in Global Poll
(Bloomberg) -- Investors have turned bullish on the U.S. while tempering their enthusiasm for China as they worry about a market bubble there, according to a Bloomberg survey.
An overwhelming majority also see a government debt default on the horizon this year, according to a quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers. Greece is considered the riskiest government, followed by Argentina, Russia, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Mexico.Sentiment toward the U.S. investment climate has flipped in just three months. Almost six of 10 respondents are now optimistic about the U.S. while a majority held a pessimistic outlook in an October poll. A nine-month rally in U.S. stocks has pushed up the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index 68 percent through yesterday’s close.

Marc Faber’s 2010 Outlook: Go For Gold, Oil & Agriculture, But Watch Out For PIIGS & US Stocks
By Dian L. Chu on January 21, 2010 | More Posts By Dian L. Chu | Author's Website
Here is the summary and my thoughts on a trio of Dr. Marc Faber’s latest interview where he discussed his 2010 outlook on China bubble, sovereign default risk, stocks and commodities.
Faber is most famous for advising his clients to get out of the stock market one week before the October 1987 crash. News just broke that Faber, a famed contrarian investor often known as Dr. Doom, has joined Sprott Inc. SII-T as director and member of the money management firm’s audit committee.
Euro Death By PIIGS
Faber believes the countries most likely to blow up are the “PIIGS”: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain. One or more of them will likely default in the next couple of years, which could mean the death of Euro.
Debt Interest Costs to Triple
According to Faber, the U.S. annual interest costs, currently around 12% of the government’s tax revenue, will soar to 35% of tax revenue within five years. This will force the government to cut spending (an unlikely scenario), and/or frantically print more money
U.S. & Japan - Default in 5 to 10 Years
Excessive money printing and debasing of the Dollar would most likely result in the United States defaulting on its debt within 5 -10 years Japan could face the same fate as well. (See more U.S. debt crisis charts from Faber here.)

Note: Jim Rogers sees U.K as in danger of an implosion as well.

U.S. Stocks - Correction Coming
After noting in his January 2010 newsletter that he was bullish on U.S. stocks, Faber changed his mind after participating in Barron’s round-table discussion. Faber says the overly bullish consensus worries him. He now believes a correction in U.S. stocks could come much sooner than most expect as momentum players could “pull the trigger relatively quickly.” Faber is now looking at a 5%-10% rate of return for global investors.
Bonds could be in for a rebound near term, but longer term, investors should look for exit opportunities in Treasuries.

Note: Jim Rogers also sees the U.S. government bond as overpriced and “in a bubble”.

Asia is likely to have longer term favorable growth. Faber favors India and Japan. In a December 2009 interview with Economic Times, Faber liked Japan as a contrarian play for 2010.
China Bubble
Faber indicated it is difficult to pinpoint a day when China will implode. But he does not think it will happen right away. However, when it does happen, investors can expect a hit on commodities and emerging markets.
Gold is going through a correction phase and probably will test the lows of $1,050 or $1,100 levels, but is still a long term buy through exploration companies and physical gold holdings.
Crude Oil
Prices may come off somewhat. Marginal cost of finding oil is around $70. Longer term, prices are expected to continue rising as demand increases from the developing world.
Agriculture Commodities
In the short term, Faber likes wheat as it is “very, very cheap”. But he advises against buying the wheat ETFs because they’re “very expensive” due to the rollover costs. Instead, he suggests play it through companies with farm land and plantations or potash companies.
China Bubble? Views from Rogers & Mobius
“China Bubble” has been in the media headline a lot lately; whereas in fact, the liquidity bubble created by the central banks’ loose money policy could easily trump China as the biggest bubble in the world likely to burst first.Investment guru Jim Rogers, while acknowledging Shanghai and Hong Kong property is in bubble during a Bloomberg interview today, debunked James Chanos yesterday, as quoted by China Daily, saying:
“It is absurd to say China is in a bubble when the stock market is 50 to 60 percent below its all-time high….After 300 years of decline everything is coming together for China in the 21st century”Meanwhile, Dr. Mark Mobius, who oversees $34 billion of developing-nation assets at Templeton Asset Management Ltd., said Jan. 7 the bubble in China’s property market isn’t about to burst, and that
“The Chinese will act rationally and they’re not going to kill the market…There’s still a lot of savings in China. Prices are high but I don’t see a crash.”

My Take on The China Bubble
As stated in my article - China Is No Dubai or Enron.
“Overinvestment and overbuilding is sometimes a prerequisite of an anticipated mass urban migration such as the one China is destined to experience.”Beijing is taking measures to prevent a bubble-burst predicament ahead of the U.S. and most of the industrialized countries. Unlike Dubai or Enron, the country is in a better position, with tremendous resource at its disposal that could power through a bubble or two.Moreover, whether there is a bubble in China, as cited here, is still a matter of great debate among market pundits.

My Thoughts on U.S. Equities
The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) of S&P 500 options fear gauge has crashed more than 63% over the last 12 months and down 18% this month alone, retreating to pre-Lehman levels. Though the VIX index roared 6.14% to 18.66 today, it has trended consistently lower since late 2008. This is causing a great deal of consternation among some investors that the higher investor complacency level is a signal that equity prices are peaking.The equity market, particularly tech and financials, is quite vulnerable as the current valuation suggests a high earnings expectation, which will most likely disappoint this year in the context of a still hazy global recovery picture, and weak consumer spending. The earnings release and outlook from Citigroup, Inc. (C: 3.46 -0.08 -2.26%) & JP Morgan Chase (JPM: 43.40 +0.12 +0.28%) and IBM Corp. (IBM: 130.25 -3.89 -2.90%), etc. this week do not seem to have suggested otherwise.So, it is quite sufficient to say when complacency and speculation has returned en masse, commodities and emerging markets will likely to be better bets than U.S. stocks and bonds.And as the famous Wall Street adage goes, “VIX low, time to go”.

Singapore Stock Market Update For Thursday 21 January
By Vivien Chia on January 21, 2010 | More Posts By Vivien Chia | Author's Website
Singapore market eased in opening trade after US stocks posted a drop on concerns that China’s moves to curb lending will slow the global economic recovery.The STI opened lower at 2888.36, down 4.77 points. A slew of data due to be released on the mainland kept many investors sidelined.Reference to The Edge, in the short term, the STI has moved into a sideways range and is likely to stay there until stochastic and RSI turn up, probably sometime in next week. Support is at the rising 50-day moving average at 2821. Resistance is being established at the twice tested mark at 2940.
News Updates:
Bank of America loses $5.2 billion in fourth quarter after repaying TARP.‏
December housing starts fall 4%; 2009 starts drop 39% to record-low 554,000‏.
Starbucks shares up after coffee retailer posts jump in operating income, same-store sales.
EBay profit more than triples on improving payments and marketplace business‏‏.
Quick Picks: Here is a quick pick screen that we have designed to pick out potential stocks, both Bullish and Bearish. These are measured with emphasis on larger changes in price and volume.

Bullish Stocks (Singapore)
Symbol Name Entry SL TSL TP Remarks
1 MIIF Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund Ltd 0.53 0.475 0.585
2 TIAN Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical 1.25 1.14 1.36
3 HIAP.SI Hiap Hoe Limited 0.63 0.57 0.69
4 SHDS Sing Holdings 0.455 0.385 0.525
5 CATL Capitaland Ltd 4.45 4.27 4.63
6 CHOF CH Offshore Ltd 0.745 0.70 0.79
7 SNSR Sinostar PEC Holdings 0.295 0.21 0.38
8 TWCH Time Watch Investments 0.215 0.15 0.28

Here’s Our Mid Term Holding Opportunities:
Symbol Name Entry SL TSL TP Remarks
1 OCBC Overseas Chinese Banking Corp 8.83 8.15 8.55 9.51 Overnight, Current Price at 8.62
2 DBSM DBS Group 15.48 14.34 14.40 16.96 Overnight, Current Price at 15.10
3 STEG Singapore Technologies Engineering 3.27 3.00 3.12 3.54 Overnight, Current Price at 3.25
4 PARM Parkway Holdings 3.02 2.74 3.30 Overnight, Current Price at 2.91
5 HYFL Hyflux 3.81 3.42 4.20
6 SIAT Singapore Airport Terminal Services 2.80 2.53 3.07
7 OCGL Oceanus Group 0.475 0.34 0.61
8 GENS Genting Singapore 1.32 1.05 1.20 1.59 Overnight, Current Price at 1.25

Now Is the Time To Buy Tech Stocks: Strategist
By: JeeYeon Park CNBC News Associate
IBM [IBM Loading... () ] reported fourth-quarter earnings that topped expectations on Tuesday, but shares fell more than 3 percent—the biggest drag on the Dow. What’s ahead for the firm? Peter Misek, global technology strategist at Canaccord Adams, shared his analysis.“There were some expectations that they would boost the numbers even more,” Misek told CNBC.“If you look at why the beat was so big, there were some tax helps in there that goosed the numbers a little bit. If you adjust that out, the beat wasn’t that strong.”

World Bank Sees Risk of Recovery Losing Steam
By: Reuters
The global economic crisis is largely over and a modest recovery is under way but it could quickly lose steam as governments pull back some of the extraordinary liquidity they pumped into markets, the World Bank said on Wednesday.The World Bank's annual Global Economic Prospects report for 2010 said the fragile recovery posed special risks for developing countries including stiffer borrowing costs, reduced credit and capital flows. To deal with tighter financial conditions, which could impede investment, the World Bank said there was "considerable scope" for countries to cut domestic borrowing costs and promote local capital markets.The report said trend growth in developing countries may be reduced by between 0.2 and 0.7 percentage points over the next five to seven years as economies adjust to tighter financial conditions.

Halftime Report: Will S&P Hold These Key Levels?

By: Lee Brodie Producer
The Fast Money traders spent Wednesday navigating the Dow's worst triple digit tailspin [.DJIA Loading... () ] since October after overseas action dragged down sentiment here in the US.Specifically, investors worried that China may hamper economic growth after Beijing authorities instructed some major banks to curb lending over the rest of this month after an early burst of credit.

China Growth Quickens, Pointing to Tighter Policy
By: Reuters
China easily beat its 2009 growth target after ablistering performance in the fourth quarter that forms a powerful springboard for it to jump over Japan this year to become the world's second-largest economy. Gross domestic product expanded 10.7 percent between October and December, compared with a year earlier, below market expectations of 10.9 percent but up sharply from 8.9 percent in the third quarter.

Canada’s Currency May Slide If It Exceeds Key Level, RBC Says
(Bloomberg) -- Canada’s dollar will likely end a month-long rally against its U.S. counterpart if it closes weaker than C$1.0473 to the greenback, according to Royal Bank of Canada, citing technical patterns.“A daily close above this level would produce a bullish medium-term trend reversal that would highlight C$1.0578 and C$1.0732 on the top side,” George Davis, chief technical analyst at RBC in Toronto, wrote in a note to clients today, referring to a gain in the greenback versus the Canadian currency. RBC is the nation’s biggest bank.

Crude Oil to Extend Gains, $80 ‘In the Bag’: Technical Analysis

(Bloomberg) -- Crude oil, which snapped a five-day decline yesterday, is set to extend gains because technical support in the mid-$70 level has proven resilient, according to National Australia Bank Ltd. Oil’s rebound from below $77 a barrel yesterday kept intact a “constructive-looking” uptrend that started in February 2009, when prices slipped below $34, said Gordon Manning, a Sydney- based technical analyst at Australia’s fourth-largest bank. With traders taking their cues from rising stock markets, a move past $80 this week may already be “in the bag,” he said.

Oil Heading for $70.92, Commerzbank Says: Technical Analysis
(Bloomberg) -- Crude oil may plunge toward $70 a barrel after failing to break resistance around $84 last week, according to technical analysts at Commerzbank AG.Oil futures in New York have lost almost 7 percent since reaching a one-year high of $83.95 a barrel on Jan. 11. Prices have peaked in the short-term and will extend their slide until reaching a trend line linking price lows in 2009, according to analysts at Commerzbank, last year’s third most-accurate oil forecaster in a survey by Bloomberg.

Daily Technical Analysis Forex Global

(+130p) Euro menunjukkan signal negatif dari pola candle downside tasuki (signal bearish continuation), berada di down channel dan 5 & 20 MA menunjukkan crossing down, breakout support line triangle didukung indikator ADX rebound, stochastic crossing down, MACD bulish, seharusnya mendukung penurunan lebih lanjut, selama berada di bawah 1.4215. Trend Euro berbalik bearish jangka pendek dan bearish jangka menengah. Hitungan EW menunjukkan formasi ascending triangle telah breakout dalam koreksi 5- C/X selama tidak menembus 1.4578 target 1.40-1.38. Sell 1.4410 target 1.4300 stop 50p, buy 1.3810 target 1.4250 stop 50p, sell break 1.3980 target 1.3850 stop 50p. Buy break 1.4140 & 1.4220 trgt 1.4350, buy 1.4020 target 1.4250 stop 30p.
USDJPY memberikan signal positif dari pola candle spinning top (potensi bullish continuation) dan breakout down channel, menunjukkan potensi buy on weakness selama ditutup diatas 90.50 (support low). Indikator ADX koreksi turun, MACD berada di teritorial positif, stochastic crossover buy, mendukung perkiraan potensi penurunan terbatas. Hitungan EW menunjukkan USDJPY berada dalam wave impulse iv/3 dalam C, seharusnya mengarah kenaikan ke 93.36 selama bertahan diatas 90.50. Resistance berada di 91.65/92.50, support 90.50/89.80. Sell 92.50 target 91.00 stop 50p, hold buy 91.00 target 92.50 stop 50p, sell 93.50 target 92.00 stop 50p. Buy break 91.65 target 92.50 stop 40p. Sell break 90.50 target 89.00 stop 50p, buy 89.50 target 92.50 stop 50p.
GBP menunjukkan signal negatif dari pola candle evening star (potensi bearish reversal), kembali berada di ex trendline resistance, meski 5 & 20 MA menunjukkan uptrend, didukung indikator ADX terkoreksi, stochastic crosover & overbought, MACD bulish, seharusnya menunjukkan potensi kenaikan terbatas dan mendukung sell on rally. Hitungan EW menunjukkan kegagalan mencapai 61.8% FR di 1.6474 mendorong berakhirnya v/c dalam B untuk proses 1-5 dalam koreksi C untuk target 1.6065 (38.2% FR)/1.5887. Hold sell 1.6380 target 1.6200 stop 1.6380, sell 1.6470 target 1.6200 stop 30p, buy 1.6200 target 1.6350 stop 30p. Sell break 1.6150 target 1.6000 stop 50p, buy 1.5950 target 1.6200.
(+250p + 30p) AUD mendapatkan signal negatif dari indikasi pola two crows (indikasi bearish reversal) dan masih berada dalam uptrend channel, didukung ADX terkoreksi (momentum kenaikan terbatas), MACD bullish & stochastic crossover down mendukung perkiraan kenaikan terbatas dan berpotensi koreksi penurunan lebih lanjut. Pola head & shoulder & triple top daily membebani kinerja AUD. Hitungan EW menunjukkan wave koreksi 4 dalam B untuk target H&S di 0.8990. Resistance 0.9160/0.9230, support di 0.9050/0.8990. Buy 0.9050 & 0.9000 target 0.9250 stop 50p, sell 0.9220 & Sell 0.9330 target 0.9150 / 0.9050 stop 0.9280, buy break 0.9160 target 0.9220 stop 50p.

Daily Technical Analysis Stock Index Asia Futures

Nikkei memberikan signal negatif dari pola downside tasuki (indikasi bearish continuation), diikuti indikator ADX terkoreksi, stochastic oscilator crossing down, MACD bullish, volume menunjukkan kenaikan, seharusnya mendukung perkiraan potensi kenaikan terbatas dan dapat mendorong aksi profit-taking di awal pekan ini. Kondisi teknikal tersebut mendorong kewaspadaan untuk peluang untuk buy on weakness, karena berada dibawah 10.790 (5-day MA). Hitungan EW menunjukkan indeks di wave koreksi 4 dalam B. Resistance di 10795/10880. Support 10620/10500. Rekomendasi: Buy 10500 target 10750 stop 100p. Hold break 10690 target 10500 stop 60p, sell 10880 target 10700, buy 10620 target 10880 stop 60p. (-100p).
Indeks menunjukkan signal negatif dari pola upside gap two crows (indikasi momentum kenaikan terbatas), meski telah breakout bull flag dan 5 & 20 MA golden cross, didukung stochastic crossover buy, ADX rebound, MACD bullish, dapat membatasi potensi kenaikan meski masih berada dalam trend bullish. Hitungan EW menunjukkan telah menyelesaikan wave koreksi ABC dalam 4 untuk proses impulse i/5 222.00, selama bertahan dibawah 225.50. Resistance 225.85/226.40. Support 223.60/221.30 Rekomendasi: Buy 218.50 target 223.00 stop 100p, sell 225.85 & 227.50 target 222.50 stop 60p, sell break 222.00 target 217.50, buy 222.50 target 225.50 stop 60p, buy 218.50 target 225.50 stop 60p. (+150p)
Indeks menunjukkan signal netral dari pola candle bearish abandoned baby (indikasi bullish reversal) dan selama berada di bawah ex channel resistance di 21730, diikuti Indikator ADX rebound, MACD bearish & stochastic crossing down, dukung potensi sell on rally. Support 21000/20860. Resistance 21330/21480. Hitungan EW indeks menunjukkan koreksi wave 5/C. Rekomendasi: Sell 21480 & 21650 target 21200 stop 60p. Buy break 21530 target 21850 stop 60p. Buy 21350 & 21200 target 21650 stop 100p, sell break 21150 target 20850 stop 60p, buy 20950 target 21650 stop 60p. (-100-0p)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Laporan Fundamental & Rumor Saham Indonesia 20-01-2010

Harga saham GJTL diperkirakan akan menuju level Rp 600 dalam jangka pendek. Persetujuan restrukturisasi utang obligasi dan peluncuran produk baru milik perseroan dalam waktu dekat akan dijadikan momentum kenaikan harga GJTL.

Harga saham INAF berpotensi mencapai level Rp 100 dalam jangka pendek. Rencana merger perseroan dengan perusahaan BUMN farmasi lainnya ditargetkan terealisasi pada 1Q10. Perseroan juga dikabarkan menggandeng investor asal India dan Korea Selatan untuk ekspansi.

Sentimen positif kembali menaungi pergerakan IHSG pada Rabu (20/1/2010) ini. Penguatan bursa-bursa utama dunia diharapkan bisa terus membawa IHSG ke teritori positif mendekati level 2.700. Bursa Wall Street kemarin ditutup menguat tajam dengan indeks Dow Jones dan S&P 500 berada di titik tertingginya dalam 15 bulan terakhir.Pada perdagangan Selasa (19/1/2010), indeks Dow Jones tercatat melesat 115,78 poin (1,09%) ke level 10.725,43. Indeks Standard & Poor's 500 juga menguat 14,20 poin (1,25%) ke level 1.150,23 dan Nasdaq menguat 32,41 poin (1,42%) ke level 2.320,40.Sementara Bursa Jepang tetap bergerak positif pada Rabu ini meski ada berita buruk, Japan Airlines mendaftarkan perlindungan kebangkrutan. Saham JAL memang terus merosot hingga hanya menjadi 2 yen, namun indeks Nikkei-225 tetap positif. Pada perdagangan Rabu ini, indeks Nikkei-225 dibuka naik 70,01 pon (0,65%) ke level 10.834,91. Harga minyak saat ini $ 78.59, emas $ 1.134.

Nilai tukar rupiah kembali dibuka melemah di tengah stabilnya dolar AS di pasar global. Rupiah diprediksi mendekati lagi level 9.300 per dolar AS.Pada perdagangan Rabu (20/1/2010), rupiah dibuka melemah lagi ke level 9.250 per dolar AS, dibandingkan penutupan kemarin di level 9.237 per dolar AS.Bank Indonesia (BI) diduga sudah masuk ke pasar untuk menahan pelemahan rupiah yang terlalu cepat.Di pasar global, dolar AS menguat ke titik tertingginya atas euro. Euro merosot ke 1,4291 dolar, dibandingkan sebelumnya di 1,4382 dolar. Euro sempat merosot hingga 1,4252 dolar. Dolar AS juga menguat atas yen ke 91,12 yen, dari sebelumnya di 90,72 yen.

PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) mencatat pertumbuhan penjualan batubara sebesar 12,81% sepanjang tahun 2009. Produksi batubara BUMI naik 6,89% pada tahun yang sama.Demikian berdasarkan data dari BUMI yang diperoleh detikFinance, Selasa (19/1/2010) malam.Produksi batubara BUMI sepanjang tahun 2009 tercatat sebanyak 62 juta ton, meningkat 4 juta ton (6,89%) dibanding tahun sebelumnya sebanyak 58 juta ton. Angka tersebut melampaui proyeksi semula sebanyak 58,7 juta ton.Penjualan batubara BUMI pada tahun 2009 tercatat sebanyak 58,1 juta ton, naik 6,6 juta ton (12,81%) dibanding tahun 2008 sebanyak 51,5 juta ton.

PT CIMB Securities Indonesia mempertahankan rating overweight untuk sektor semen. Selama 2009, volume penjualan semen diprediksi naik 0,7% YoY. Ia memprediksi, karena katalis dari meningkatnya penjualan telah dimasukan ke dalam valuasi harga saham saat ini, katalis berikutnya harus datang dari consensus earnings upgrade dan eksepktasi meningkatnya permintaan pada kuartal 1 2010.

Economic: Pasar Konstruksi 2010 Mencapai Rp180 T
Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Seluruh Indonesia (Gapensi) memperkirakan, pasar konstruksi tahun ini bisa mencapai Rp180 triliun. Nilai ini naik 5% ketimbang tahun lalu, yang sebesar Rp171,52.

Economic: Kenaikan Komoditas Tidak Akan Pengaruhi Inflasi
Kenaikan harga beberapa komoditas saat ini tidak akan mempengaruhi kenaikan laju inflasi, karena kenaikan harga saat ini tidak dibarengi oleh pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah. Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani menyatakan kondisi kenaikan harga komoditas saat ini berbeda dengan keadaan tahun 2007 dan 2008. Perbedaannya, pada saat itu terjadi kenaikan harga komoditas yang berbarengan dengan melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah.

Economic: Pemerintah Terbitkan Sukuk Rp950 Miliar
Pemerintah menjual surat berharga syariah negara, atau sukuk negara, sebesar Rp950 miliar melalui lelang Bank Indonesia. Pemerintah menawarkan 4 seri Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN), yaitu IFR0003 (reopening), IFR0005, IFR0007. Total penawaran yang masuk atas penawaran 4 seri SBSN itu Rp1,87 triliun, tetapipemerintah hanya memenangi sebesar Rp950 miliar.

Property: 729 Rumah susun sewa dibangun hingga 2014
Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat menargetkan membangun 729 menara rumah susun sederhana sewa (rusunawa) pada 2010-2014 dengan kapasitas 100.000 unit untuk mahasiswa, pekerja, warga miskin perkotaan.

SMCB: Raih Laba Kurs Rp 350 Miliar
Pada tahun lalu, SMCB diperkirakan membukukan laba selisih kurs sebesar Rp 350 miliar seiring apresiasi rupiah terhadap dollar AS sebesar 15%. Laporan yang telah diaudit dari perusahaan semen itu diharapkan keluar pada akhir bulan ini.

BUMI: Penjualan Batubara BUMI Naik 12,81%
BUMI mencatat pertumbuhan penjualan batubara sebesar 12,81% sepanjang tahun 2009. Produksi batubara BUMI naik 6,89% pada tahun yang sama.

DOID: Finalisasi Kontrak Tambang Baru
PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) akan memfinalisasi satu kontrak konstruksi tambang baru pada 1Q10. Kontrak tersebut merupakan kontrak pertama yang akan diperoleh perusahaan pada awal tahun ini. Kontrak tersebut, akan berjangka waktu tiga tahun. Kontrak itu berpeluang diperpanjang setelah jatuh tempo.

GJTL: Incar Penjualan Naik 10-12% pada Tahun Ini
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk mengincar perumbuhan volume penjualan ban pada tahun ini sebesar 10-12% menjadi 31,25 juta ban dibandingkan dengan pencapaian tahun lalu yang sebanyak 27,9 juta ban. Pertumbuhan terjadi seiring adanya tambahan kontrak pengadaan ban dari Michelin dari 2 juta menjadi 3 juta ban.

WIKA: Targetkan Pendapatan Naik 15%
PT Wijaya Reality, anak usaha PT Wijaya Karya, menargetkan pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan tahun ini sebesar 15% dari realisasi tahun 2009 sekitar Rp500 miliar. Untuk mencapai target, perusahaan akan melakukan sejumlah langka strategis seperti pengembangan proyek berpangsa pasar besar, selain penyelesaian proyek yang dalam tahap pembangunan. Tahun lalu WIKA berhasil membukukan pertumbuhan pendapatan 10% dari perolehan tahun 2008.

MIRA: Konversi Waran
MIRA telah menggunakan dana hasil konversi waran I senilai Rp32,24 miliar. Perseroan mengkonversi waran sebanyak 129,7 ribu unit untuk meraup dana senilai Rp32,24 miliar. Dana hasil konversi waran dimanfaatkan untuk membiayai pembangunan floating, production storage anf offloading.

BBCA: BCA Finance akan Lunasi Obligasi Rp275 Miliar
PT BCA Finance akan melunasi obligasi sebesar Rp275 miliar pada Februari mendatang. Perseroan akan menggunakan dana dari fasilitas kredit perbankan serta kas internal untuk melunasi obligasi tersebut. Obligasi yang jatuh tempo terdiri atas obligasi BCA Finance II tahun 2007 seri B dan C. Nilai masing-masing obligasi Rp150 miliar dan Rp125 miliar.

EXCL: Lunasi Obligasi US$59 Juta
EXCL melunasi obligasi senilai US$59,43 juta (Rp594 miliar). Perseroan mempercepat pembayaran utang obligasi dari seharusnya jatuh tempo pada 2013. Pelunasan utang obligasi ini berdampak terhadap penurunan resiko atas utang perseroan dalam denominasi dollar US.

TPI Batal Pailit, MNCN Siapkan MTN Rp 500 Miliar
Pefindo memberi peringkat idA dengan prospek stabil untuk MTN bertenor lima tahun tersebut.

Sisa Waran MIRA Masih Rp419,73 Jt
PT Mitra Rajasa Tbk (MIRA) masih menyisakan dana hasil waran 1 sekitar Rp419,73 juta. Adapun jumlah waran seri 1 MIRA yang diterbitkan sebanyak 76 juta lembar saham.

Saham PT Bumi Resources (BUMI), pada Rabu (19/1) diprediksikan menguat, karena valuasinya masih murah. Rekomendasi strong buy dengan target harga mencapai Rp3.000 hingga akhir Januari.

Presiden Direktur PT Astra International Tbk (ASII), Michael D.Ruslim meninggal dunia. Michael meninggal setelah menjalani perawatan di Singapura.

HMSP Bagikan Dividen Tunai Tahap Ketiga 2008
HMSP akan membagikan dividen tunai tahap ketiga dari laba bersih 2008 senilai Rp 657,45 miliar

Semester I, BTN Terbitkan Obligasi
PT Bank Tabungan Negara Indonesia akan mengeluarkan obligasi pada semester I tahun ini.


Update Daily Investment News

Indonesia Stocks May Fall on Rising Bond Yields, Citigroup Says
Indonesia’s stock market, Asia’s second-best performer last year, may fall in 2010 as investors switch to global government bonds amid rising yields, Citigroup Inc.’s Indonesian securities unit said. The benchmark index may fall to 2,470 by yearend from 2,666.94 at yesterday’s close, Sunny Yoon, president of PT Citigroup Securities Indonesia, said in an interview in Jakarta today. Worldwide stimulus spending by governments increased liquidity, which is driving up government bond yields, said Yoon.

Stocks to Rally Throughout Earnings Season: Strategist
By: JeeYeon Park CNBC News Associate
Stocks gained more than 1 percent on Tuesday. Will the market rally continue? Binky Chadha, chief U.S. equity strategist at Deutsche Bank, and Larry Kantor, head of research at Barclays Capital, discussed their market insights.“[Markets] should go significantly higher through earnings season,” Chadha told CNBC. “We think the bar has been lowered for this earnings season.”Chadha said his biggest “overweights” are in the financials and industrials. He added that he has “smaller overweights” in the technology and the consumer discretionary sectors.

US Stocks Are Poised to Rally If Republican Wins in Mass.

By: Reuters
US stocks are likely to rally if Republicans pull off a victory in Massachusetts' Senate election Tuesday, on hopes that it would slow down President Obama's sweeping reform program, especially with respect to health care.Massachusetts Senate Candidates Debate In Boston.Getty Images. U.S. Senate democratic nominee Martha Coakley (l) and U.S. Senate republican nominee Scott Brown (r) campaigning to be the the next Massachusetts State Senator.The Democrats' big majorities in Congress are considered key to passing President Obama's reform agenda across numerous parts of the economy, including banking and health care.

Energy vs. Metals—Where to Invest: Stock Pickers
By: JeeYeon Park CNBC News Associate
The S&P metals and mining index has soared more than 300 percent over the past year, compared to the energy index, which is up about 20 percent. So which is the better sector for investors going forward? Dan Denbow, portfolio manager at USAA Precious Metals & Minerals Fund, and Jerry Castellini, president and chief investment officer of CastleArk Management, discussed their views. “There’s no better play, as a U.S. investor in the worldwide economy, than in energy,” Castellini told CNBC.“It’s the simple building block of economic growth in Asia and BRICs.”*

Shrug Off Banks Weakness???
By: Lee Brodie Producer

Platinum Approaching ‘Strong Resistance’: Technical Analysis
(Bloomberg) -- Platinum, trading at a 17-month high in London, is approaching an area of “potentially strong resistance,” according to technical analysis by Commerzbank AG. The attached chart shows a target of $1,698.18 an ounce the bank identified by drawing a trend line from the record $2,301.50 set in March 2008. There is also a target of $1,703.69, which would be a 61.8 percent retracement of the metal’s decline from the record to a low in October 2008, according to a series of numbers known as the Fibonacci sequence. The metal traded at $1,626 at 12:33 p.m. in London.

Citi's Yoon Likes Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Adaro Energy

Morgan Stanley Says ‘Stick With the BRICs’ on Growth
(Bloomberg) -- Morgan Stanley said investors should “stick with the BRICs” and add to their holdings in China and Russia as faster economic growth will allow emerging-market stocks to catch up to developed-market gains this year. “Stick with the BRICs,” strategists led by Jonathan Garner wrote in a report, referring to Brazil, Russia, India and China. “BRIC tends to outperform in non-recession years such as the 2003 to 2007 period, whilst it has underperformed in recession years.”The brokerage raised its recommended “overweight” in Chinese and Russian equities relative to the MSCI Emerging Markets Index to 2.15 percent, compared with 2 percent and 1.65 percent respectively. They strategists also upgraded Thailand and Peru to “equal-weight” from “underweight” and downgraded Israel to “equal-weight” from “overweight.”

Record Cash Means S&P 500 at Half its 2007 Valuation

(Bloomberg) -- U.S. companies are producing more cash than ever, making the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index cheaper than any time since credit markets froze just as investors say profits don’t justify higher prices. While the 68 percent rally since March drove price-earnings ratios to the highest level since 2002, when measured by cash flow the index is 37 percent below the 12-year average and half its valuation of 2007, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Hedge-Fund Assets Rose by $4.6 Billion in December, Report Says
(Bloomberg) -- Hedge-fund assets grew by $4.6 billion in December in the eighth straight month of capital growth as investor confidence recovers along with global markets, according to Eurekahedge Pte.Net inflows totaled $600 million in December, while performance-based gains were $4 billion, the Singapore-based research firm said in a report. Assets under management totaled $1.48 trillion at year’s end, it said.

U.S. Stocks ‘Can Only Surprise on Upside,’ Says HSBC
(Bloomberg) -- U.S. shares may surprise on the upside this year after lagging behind 2009’s worldwide stock rally, said Garry Evans, head of global equity strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc.“People have got very high expectations for Asia already,” Evans said on Bloomberg Television. “Contrast that to the U.S. where everyone is so bearish, it can only surprise on the upside.” HSBC has an “overweight” rating for U.S. equities and “underweight” on Asia excluding Japan.

China to Allow Yuan Gain on Inflation, Macquarie Says
(Bloomberg) -- China may allow its currency to appreciate from the second quarter as inflation accelerates in the world’s third-largest economy because of higher global commodity prices, according to Macquarie Securities Ltd. “China simply has to start considering using appreciation of the renminbi as a way to insulate itself, or deflect some of these imported inflation pressures,” Michael Kurtz, head of China research at Macquarie, said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Hong Kong. “They’re going to do exactly that in 2010.”

HSBC's Evans Sees Global Stocks Rising 15% in 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Analisa Teknikal IHSG Harian & Mingguan

IHSG menunjukkan signal positif dari pola candle tri star (indikasi lemahnya momentum penurunan), didukung ADX terkoreksi (momentum penurunan terbatas), stochastic terkoreksi dari overbought (momentum kenaikan terbatas), MACD bullish, seharusnya topang IHSG dan peluang profit-taking patut diwaspadai. Hitungan EW: pencapaian ke level tertinggi baru di 2.661,928, menunjukkan wave iii/3 dalam 5 masih belum selesai, selama bertahan diatas 2.621 (high 06/01) untuk extend ke 2.666 (middle channel line)/2.680 (fibonacci retracement 138,2%). Berdasarkan Analisa Gann Square, IHSG dapat capai target 3.150 selama bertahan di atas support line 2.100 hingga akhir Maret, target 3.450 di Juni jika bertahan diatas 2.360. Bila gagal ditutup di atas support target 1.500/1.800 di H2 2010. Buy 2.630/2.600 target 2.680/2.720 stop loss dibawah 2.575
Resistance: 2668.98/2659.48/2655.24/2651.01. PP 2640.46
Support : 2636.23/2626.72/2621.44/2611.94

Laporan Fundamental dan Rumor Saham Harian 19-01

Harga saham PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk (KARK) berpotensi menuju level Rp150 dalam jangka pendek maupun menengah. Perseroan dikabarkan menjalin kerja sama operasi dengan produsen batubara di Kalsel. Isu yang beredar dipasar soal rencana India's National Thermal Power Corp yang ingin masuk menjadi pemegang saham perseroan juga akan menjadi momentum kenaikan harga KARK.

Harga saham PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) berpeluang menuju Rp3.000 dalam jangka pendek. Perseroan dikabrakan bakal menggelar aksi korporasi dalam waktu dekat. Perseroan telah mengajukan rencana tersebut kepada otoritas pasar modal. Kenaikan harga emas dan rencana perseroan membeli saham Freeport juga bakal berdampak positif.

IHSG dibuka mneguat ke level tertinggi 2.656Kegamangan masih menaungi perdagangan saham pada Selasa (19/1/2010). IHSG diprediksi masih akan bergerak variatif pada nilai transaksi yang tidak terlalu tebal. Tanpa sentimen besar di pasar, investor memilih menunggu musim laporan keuangan yang akan segera hadir. Bursa regional juga masih bergerak ragu-ragu. Sementara bursa Wall Street masih libur perdagangan hingga hari Senin.Bursa Jepang mengawali perdagangan Selasa ini dengan flat, dengan Indeks Nikkei-225 dibuka menguat tipis 5,38 poin (0,05%) ke level 10.860,46.

Nilai tukar rupiah membuka perdagangan hari ini dengan penguatan tipis, mengikuti jejak penguatan mata uang regional atas dolar AS. Pada perdagangan Selasa (19/1/2010), rupiah dibuka menguat tipis ke 9.215 per dolar AS, dibandingkan penutupan kemarin di level 9.230 per dolar AS.Rupiah diprediksi hanya akan bergerak tipis karena tidak ada faktor fundamental yang menggerakkannya secara signifikan. Rumor pergantian Sri Mulyani sejauh ini belum memberikan efek yang signifikan.Di pasar Asia, dolar AS pagi ini juga bergerak tipis atas yen dan euro. Para pialang fokus pada data perekonomian yang akan datang dan masalah utang yang sedang membelit Yunani.Dolar AS melemah ke 90,69 yen, dibandingkan sebelumnya di 90,75 yen. Euro menguat tipis ke 1,4399 dolar, dibandingkan sebelumnya di 1,4382 dolar.

Deutsche: Inflasi 2010 Dilevel 6%
Deutsche Bank memprediksi, tingkat inflasi berada di level 4-6 persen dan produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia akan tumbuh sebesar 5,5 persen pada 2010.

PT CIMB Securities memprediksi, PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT) tidak akan mengubah jajaran direksi atau manajemen senior karena baru melakukan perubahan pada Juni 2009 lalu. "Kami lebih percara bahwa perubahan hanya ada di elvel komisaris dan hal ini memiliki dampak yang kecil terhadap operasional serta harga saham perseroan," kata analis CIMB Securities Mastono Ali dalam riset hariannya kepada INILAH.COM, Selasa (19/1).

Setelah melalui beberapa tahapan perolehan ijin dalam rangka proses Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana (“IPO”), kemarin petang Benakat Petroleum Energi (“BPE”) resmi memperoleh pernyataan pra-efektif dari BAPEPAM-LK, dalam bentuk ijin untuk dapat melakukan publikasi Prospektus Ringkas, sebagai bagian dari proses pelaksanaan Penawaran Awal (bookbuilding) saham perdana BPE.

BRPT Bantah Marubeni Danai Akuisisi
PT Barito Pasific Tbk (BRPT) membantah kabar mengenai Marubeni Corporation akan membantu perseroan untuk mengakuisisi Star Energy.

Secara Teknis, BUMI Berpeluang Naik'
Saham PT Bumi Resources (BUMI), akan menguat terbatas pada Selasa (19/1), menyusul koreksi teknis dua hari terakhir. Investor disarankan beli di harga rendah.

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) akan melakukan penawaran saham umum terbatas II (PUT II) 627.658.500 saham biasa. Target dana PUT II ini sekitar Rp539.786.310.000.

Kinerja saham PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY) yang terus membaik menjadikan target buruan investor asing, terbukti harga saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) terus melejit.

Gozco Akan Akuisisi 2 hingga 3 Perusahaan Sawit
Manajemen Gozco sudah mendekati dua hingga tiga perusahaan sawit di Sumatera. Nilai akuisisi tidak akan lebih dari Rp 500 miliar per perusahaan.

ELTY Perpanjang Periode Buyback Saham
Periode buyback ELTY akan berlanjut hingga April 2010. Dana yang digunakan merupakan dana kas internal.

Leo Investments Bakal Akuisisi Tambang Nikel
Leo Investments akan mengakuisisi 100% saham PT Arga Morini Indah yang memiliki konsesi tambang nikel di Kabaena, Sulteng.

Economic: Tambahan Belanja Sulit Dorong PDB
Rencana penambahan belanja anggaran yang berakibat pada pelebaran defisit APBN-P 2010 menjadi 2,2% .PDB diperkirakan tak akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi jika masalah penyerapan belanja tidak diatasi. Ekonom Standard Chartered BI meyakini pembengkakan defisit tidak akan mampu menggenjot pertumbuhan ekonomi karena pemerintah selalu memiliki permasalahan dalam hal penyerapan belanja anggaran.

Economic: Kurs Bea Masuk Rp9.174,4/US$
Kurs rupiah sebagai dasar pelunasan bea masuk periode 18-24 Januari 2010 ditetapkan Rp9.174,40 atau menguat dibandingkan dengan pekan sebelumnya Rp9.287,00/US$. Penetapan kurs ini berdasarkan Keputusan Menkeu No.24/KM.1/2010 pada 18 Januari 2010 dan berlaku sebagai dasar pelunasan bea masuk, PPn barang dan jasa, PPN BM, pajak ekspor, dan pajak penghasilan.

Banking: BI Kaji Penerepan Exit Policy
BI mengkaji kemungkinan mencabut kebijakan persyaratan CAR minimal untuk memperoleh FPJP. Kajian ini dikaitkan dengan kondisi makro termasuk masalah krisis sebagai bagian dari kebijakan exit policy, ungkap Deputi Gubernur Senior BI. Menurutnya penurunan syarat modal minimal sebagai bagian dari respon krisis BI saat itu. Seiring dengan perbaikan ekonomi dan kondisi di sektor keuangan maka BI berencana mencabut kebijakan tersebut dan mengembalikan pada kebijakan prakrisis sebagai bagian dari exit policy.

Auto: Penjualan Mobil 2009 Turun 20%
Penjualan mobil nasional turun 20% pada tahun 2009 dari tahun lalu, namun penurunan tersebut masih lebih dibandingkan prediksi sebelumnya. Data terbaru dari Gabungan Industri Otomotif Indonesia (Gakindo) menunjukkan penjualan mobil turun menjadi 486.061 unit pada 2009 dari 607.805 pada 2008.

BBCA: Bersama PNBN Pinjami Pertamina US$145 Juta
Dua bank swasta, PT BCA dan PT Pan Indonesia Bank memberi pinjaman sebesar US$145 untuk memenuhi modal kerja PT Pertamina. Keikutsertaan dua bank tersebut merupakan bagian dari sindikasi internasional senilai US$700 juta dengan melibatkan 9 bank. Pinjaman berjangka waktu 5 tahun dengan suku bunga London Interbank Ofered Rate (Libor) plus 3,35%, termasuk spread dan fees.

ELTY: Perpanjang Periode Buyback Saham
ELTY memperpanjang periode buyback saham hingga 3 bulan ke depan. Dengan perpanjangan tersebut, ELTY berniat membeli saham yang ada di pasar hingga maksimal 20% dari modal disetor per 31 Desember 2008. Dana yang diperlukan mencapai Rp 510 miliar.

MLPL: Terancam Gagal Gelar Aksi Korporasi
Rencana MLPL menggelar aksi korporasi berupa reverse stock dan stock split terancam gagal. Hal tersebut dikarenakan perusahaan untuk kedua kalinya tidak dapat menggelar RUPSLB untuk meminta persetujuan pemegang saham terkait rencana tersebut.

ASII: Astra kuasai 58% pasar otomotif nasional
Penguasaan pasar ASII terhadap pasar mobil di Indonesia sepanjang 2009 meningkat 6% menjadi 58% dibandingkan dengan pangsa pasar pada 2008 yang mencapai 52%. Laporan penjualan mobil yang dikeluarkan ASII kemarin mengungkapkan bahwa pada tahun lalu total penjualan mobil yang berada di bawah Astra International mencapai 281.031 unit atau menguasai 58% dari total pasar mobil di Indonesia yang mencapai 486.061 unit.

PJAA: Targetkan Pendapatan Rp950 Miliar
PJAA menargetkan pendapatan akhir 2010 mencapai Rp950 miliar. Pendapatan tersebut meningkat 10% dibanding akhir 2009 yang diperkirakan sekitar Rp800 miliar. Jaya Ancol menganggarkan capex tahun ini sebesar Rp520,9 miliar. Perseroan akan menggunakan dana capex untuk mengembangkan fasilitas dan kawasan wisata. Jaya Ancol berencana membuat wahana baru free fall di kawasan Dufan. Wahana baru itu diperkirakan menelan biaya Rp30 miliar dan ditargetkan beroperasi pada Mei 2010.

BWPT: Siapkan Investasi Pabrik Rp90 Miliar
BWPT menyiapkan dana senilai Rp90 miliar untuk membangun pabrik kelapa sawit berkapasitas 45 ton tandan buah segar (TBS) per jam. Pabrik Kelapa Sawit akan dibangun 4Q10. Biaya pembangunan pabrik diambil dari capex tahun ini yang mencapai Rp350 miliar. Pembangunan Pabrik tersebut bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi peningkatan volume TBS tahun ini.

BBTN: Siap Lunasi Obligasi Rp750 Miliar
BBTN akan melunasi pokok dan kupon obligasi jatuh tempo senilai Rp751,9 miliar. Pembiayaan surat utang jatuh tempo berasal dari dana yang ditempatkan pada SBI. Berasarkan perhitungan BEI, nilai obligasi korporasi yang jatuh tempo tahun ini sebesar Rp11,67 triliun.

PGAS: Jaksa tuding IPO Gas Negara pakai suap
Proses initial public offering (IPO) PGAS (Persero) diduga melibatkan uang suap Rp1,6 miliar kepada anggota DPR periode 1999-2004 guna memuluskan aksi penawaran saham perdana itu pada 2003.

SMRA: Cari Pinjaman Rp 560 Miliar
PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (SMRA) mencari pinjaman hingga Rp 560 miliar guna memenuhi anggaran belanja modal (capex) senilai Rp 800 miliar. Terkait rencana tersebut, perusahaan telah menjajaki beberapa bank untuk meraih pinjaman. Dana yang diperoleh akan digunakan untuk ekspansi usaha di tahun ini, seperti pembangunan Mal Serpong.

CPRO: Suspensi Dicabut
Bursa Efek Indonesia akhirnya mencabut penghentian sementara perdagangan, atau suspensi, saham CPRO terhitung mulai hari ini, Selasa (19/1). Pencabutan dilakukan setelah manajemen CPRO memberi penjelasan kepada BEI tentang penyelesaian gagal bayar bunga obligasi perseroan sebesar US$17,9 juta.

TARGETKAN KONTRAK RP 20 TRILIUN, Wika Akan Emisi Obligasi Rp 400 Miliar
PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) akan emisi obligasi senilai Rp 300-400 miliar pada semester I-2010. Dana hasil penerbitan surat utang itu akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan usaha perseroan.

Gapuraprima Beli REITs Amanah Raya
PT Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk (GPRA) menginvestasikan dana Rp 9,36 miliar pada real estate investment trusts (REITs) yang diterbitkan oleh Amanah Raya Bhd, perusahaan investasi dan properti asal Malaysia. Investasi tersebut dibiayai dari dana hasil penawaran umum perdana (IPO) saham perseroan.

Ups! Direktur Non Eksekutif PGAS Mundur
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS) melaporkan Dirketur Non Eksekutif Sutikno mengundurkan diri dari jajaran direksi.

Berlian Laju Raih Kontrak Very US$90 Jt
BLTA telah mendapatkan kontrak sewa baru dengan PT Pertamina untuk memberikan jasa melalui sebuah Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGGC) sekitar US$90 juta.

Sumber:,, Investordaily,

Update Daily Investment News

We Are in V-Shaped Recovery, Stay in Stocks: Strategist
By: Lisa Auret Assistant Web Producer, CNBC
The recovery won't be bolstered by the consumer, like in previous recessions. Instead demand will come from a build-up of low inventories and large companies' exposure to emerging market growth, Edith Thouin, vice president of ABN Amro Private Banking said Monday."We do think we are in a V-shaped recovery and equities are the place to be," she said, adding that investors should still shift their focus into a more diversified portfolio.She told CNBC investors should bet on industrial and base material companies, as well as international companies with good exposure to China, South America and other emerging market countries.

Euro May Fall to 7-Month Low on Fibonacci: Technical Analysis

(Bloomberg) -- The euro may decline to a seven- month low of $1.380, Tokai Tokyo Securities Co. said, citing trading patterns. The euro is poised to fall to its 200-day moving average of about $1.4288, said Yoh Nihei, a Tokyo-based trading group manager at Tokai. Should the 16-nation currency drop below that level, it will decline toward $1.4120, a 38.2 percent Fibonacci retracement of its advance from $1.2457 on March 4 to $1.5144 on Nov. 25, he said.If the 16-nation euro falls below $1.4120, the next support level will be $1.380, a 50 percent Fibonacci retracement, Nihei said. That would be the lowest since June 16. Support refers to an area where buy orders may be clustered.

Euro Weakness Versus Pound Set to Intensify: Technical Analysis
(Bloomberg) -- The euro’s decline against the pound may accelerate, according to at least four technical indicators. The moving average convergence/divergence, or MACD, which signals directional trends for a security, gave a so-called sell signal for the euro on Jan. 13. Parabolic systems, used by traders to track the strength of a trend, switched to a sell a day later. The directional movement indicator, or DMI, also indicated the trend for the common European currency is lower.The euro is weakening after European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said on Jan. 14 that the region’s economic outlook remains uncertain and said policy makers won’t rescue Greece as the country struggles to reduce its budget deficit. The pound gained versus the single currency last week on speculation the Bank of England will allow its bond-buying program to expire as the recovery takes hold.

Fibonacci Shows DAX Index May Fall to 5,840: Technical Analysis
(Bloomberg) -- Germany’s benchmark DAX Index may fall to 5,840 in a “continued consolidation move,” according to a technical analyst at DZ Bank AG who looks at Fibonacci retracements to predict market movements. “The significant upward momentum of the short-term trend has now been lost, at least from a quantitative point of view,” after the measure dropped below the 38.2 percent Fibonacci retracement level at 5,910, DZ Bank’s Dirk Oppermann wrote in a report to clients today. “The continued consolidation move once again confirms the currently unfavorable cyclical environment on the international stock markets.”

Oil Prices to Fall This Week: CNBC Survey
By: Sri Jegarajah Singapore Reporter
CNBC's weekly poll of analysts forecasts oil to continue to fall this week as weak fundamentals (supply overhang and anemic demand) weigh on the market.Out of 12 analysts, nine (or 75 percent) expect prices to fall this week, three said they would be largely unchanged and none expected prices to rise.
Oil fell nearly 6 percent last week and some respondents see a test of $76/bbl, possibly $74 this week. China monetary tightening and a slow start to the U.S. earnings season may also drag. But investor buying on the dips -- as the the global economic recovery gains traction-- may limit any move lower.

Market Tips: Stocks Still in a Bull Run
Global stocks were firmer on Monday as metal prices rose on strong Chinese demand hopes. But crude prices were weak as renewed concerns about energy demand prompted investors to sell down their positions.Experts told CNBC that stocks can still go higher, while the oil market could be in for a further correction.Buy on Dips as Equities Still in Bull Run
Roger Groebli, executive director at LGT Capital Management says equity markets are still in a bull run and investors should buy on dips, especially for those who had missed the rally in 2009.

Crude Market In For Further Correction
The crude market could correct further, says Peter McGuire, managing director at CWA Global Markets.

Dollar Bounce Expected
There is a good reason for a dollar-bounce, predicts Sean Callow, senior currency strategist at Westpac Bank. He shares his outlook for the dollar & commodity currencies.

China Data to Impact Dollar
China's economic data will have a strong impact on the greenback, says Damien McColough, chief interest rate strategist at Westpac Institutional Bank.

Yen Set to Weaken
The yen may become another carry-trade currency that will support the US dollar, says Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist at BNP Paribas Wealth Management, which could eventually see the Japanese currency weaken progressively.

Investing in Asia
China, Hong Kong and South Korea will be on a growth trajectory, says Paul Heffner, CEO at Gen2 Partners.

Food Shortages Coming, Buy Commodities: Jim Rogers

Chartology: Is Market About To Tumble?
By: Lee Brodie Producer
Selling dominated on Friday after JPMorgan dashed hopes that consumer credit was on the mend.Adding to the bearish tone, a survey showed U.S. consumer sentiment was little changed in early January, as worries over income and high unemployment offset news of an improving economy. Also energy [XLE Loading... () ] and materials [XHB Loading... () ] names were hammered after the dollar [US@DX.1 Loading... ()] made gains against a basket of currencies dragging down commodity prices; lately a stronger dollar has been bearish for the market.

U.S. Stocks May Outperform Asian Equities, Says HSBC’s Evans

(Bloomberg) -- U.S. shares may surprise on the upside this year after lagging behind 2009’s worldwide stock rally, said Garry Evans, head of global equity strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc. “People have got very high expectations for Asia already,” Evans said on Bloomberg Television. “Contrast that to the US where everyone is so bearish, it can only surprise on the upside.” HSBC has an “overweight” rating for U.S. equities and “underweight” on Asia excluding Japan.

Guinness Wealth Managers Avoid Corporate Bonds, Prefer Stocks
(Bloomberg) -- The managers of the Guinness brewing family’s fortune are putting more money into stocks and avoiding government and corporate bonds because of concern about rising debt in places such as the U.K. Iveagh Private Investment House, the company that oversees the money, is staying away from bonds sold by the British and Greek governments as well as soccer club Manchester United, said Paul Ross, chief executive officer of the asset manager.

OPEC Won’t Need to Raise Oil Output in 2010, IEA Says
(Bloomberg) -- The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries won’t need to raise oil production this year as its output of natural gas liquids increases, the International Energy Agency’s deputy executive director said. “We don’t see a big change in OPEC production this year,” Richard Jones said in an interview late yesterday in Abu Dhabi. “First, non-OPEC production is going to go up, modestly. But the big difference is that OPEC’s production of natural gas liquids increases, by 800,000 barrels a day.”

India Stocks Are ‘Most Vulnerable’ to Rates, Goldman Sachs Says
(Bloomberg) -- Indian stocks may be most at risk of a “tactical correction” from rising interest rates after China restrained lending, dragging equities lower last week, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said. The Reserve Bank of India may increase its repurchase and reverse repurchase rates and cash reserve ratio at a Jan. 29 meeting, the first increases since July 2008, Goldman Sachs analysts led by Timothy Moe wrote in a Jan. 15 report. India’s wholesale prices may rise 5 percent in the 12 months ending March 2011 from 3.4 percent this year, they estimated.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Update Daily Investment News

Indonesia's finance minister may go by Feb: report
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, a top reformer in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's cabinet, may be replaced by February, the Jakarta Post reported, quoting anonymous sources from a political party. Indrawati and Vice President Boediono are considered the main drivers of reform in Southeast Asia's biggest economy and play a critical role in attracting foreign investment for infrastructure and other projects.The loss of one or other from the cabinet would severely dent investor confidence in Indonesia's commitment to reform and would hit the rupiah currency, bonds and stocks.Both technocrats have been questioned in recent weeks by a parliamentary committee over their decision to bail out Bank Century, a small bank, at the height of the 2008 financial crisis in order to avert a wider financial panic.Officials from the Golkar Party, the political party headed by tycoon Aburizal Bakrie who has long resisted Indrawati's reforms, were quoted by the Jakarta Post saying that the finance minister would probably be replaced by Anggito Abimanyu, head of the fiscal policy agency.President Yudhoyono was re-elected in July thanks to his government's economic policies, reforms, and efforts to tackle corruption.Indrawati and Boediono, who was governor of the central bank at the time, both approved the 6.7 trillion rupiah ($729.4 million) government rescue of Bank Century late in 2008 as Indonesia started to feel the impact of the global financial crisis.

Markets to Peak in Late January: Strategist
By: JeeYeon Park CNBC News Associate
Markets opened lower on Friday and Marc Pado, U.S. market strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald, speculated investors will be taking in profits ahead of the three-day weekend. What should we expect going forward? He shared his market insight.“We’re headed into a strong earnings season, we’re moving higher,” Pado told CNBC.“We expect to reach some sort of peak in the last week of January and then we’ll be set up for a correction.”Pado said the markets have rallied for 10 months and now may see a “substantial pullback.” He added that high unemployment rates will also be a catalyst for bringing the market lower.“In the near-term, you do have to go to the defensive stocks and then we’re looking for a shift to technology back in the summer, because technology really is leading the way and will continue to lead the way in the long term,” he said.

Week Ahead: Earnings Will Call the Tune for Stocks
By: Patti Domm CNBC Executive Editor
Earnings will be a challenge for stocks in the coming week, as major bank and tech firms report, along with hundreds of other companies.Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.The question, though, is whether earnings news will be strong enough to keep the rally going or investors will see it as an excuse to take profits temporarily.The latter was the case Friday, when tech giant Intel [INTC Loading... () ] fell after reporting better-than-expected profits and an improved outlook. JPMorgan Chase [JPM Loading... () ] stock also fell, and its report raised the flag on other bank stocks after loan losses and weaker-than-expected revenues outweighed a strong income number. Both stocks had moved higher ahead of their reports."We think the reaction is overdone. The issue for equity markets in earnings is really, about, in our view, the multiple," said Binky Chadha, chief U.S. equities strategist at Deutsche Bank.

Euro-Region Strains May ‘Undermine’ Currency, Citigroup Says

(Bloomberg) -- The euro may be hurt by fiscal turmoil within the 16-nation union, Citigroup Inc. said. “The sharpening internal strains illustrate that the euro- zone is far from being an optimal currency union,” Michael Hart, a foreign-exchange strategist in London, wrote yesterday in a report. “These internal strains are independent of the external value of the euro but will in turn continue to undermine it.”

Euro May Fall on Wider Greek-German Spread, Deutsche Bank Says
(Bloomberg) -- The euro may extend its decline against the dollar as the premium investors demand for holding Greek bonds instead of benchmark German securities continues to rise, according to Deutsche Bank AG. The difference in yield, or spread, between 10-year Greek debt and German bunds “could widen out beyond the peak of circa 300 basis points,” Adam Boyton, a senior currency strategist in New York at Deutsche Bank, wrote in a research note. “This would suggest some modest downward pressure on euro-dollar.” The euro traded at $1.4377 as of 12:10 p.m. in London from $1.4499 last week. The yield spread between Greek and German bonds was at 272 basis points after reaching 282 basis points earlier. It climbed to 300 basis points in March. A further indicator that the euro may decline is the weakening correlation between the Greek-German bond spread and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index of stocks, which traditionally have both been driven by “risk sentiment,” according to the bank.
The decline in the correlation is “significant from a foreign-exchange perspective as it arguably has much more information content for the euro than a co-movement with other measures of risk on-risk off,” Boyton wrote. “Hence, it would not be surprising to see the correlation between the euro-dollar and peripheral bond spreads pick up further should this environment persist.”Deutsche Bank forecasts the euro will fall to $1.40 by the end of this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Gold May Drop in Asia as Dollar Strength Dims Investment Demand
(Bloomberg) -- Gold, little changed in Asia, may decline for a second day as the dollar strengthened, eroding demand for the precious metal as an alternative investment. Bullion held by the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by the metal, fell for a second straight day to 1,112.84 metric tons on Jan. 15, according to the company’s Web site. The dollar rose to a one-week high against the euro on speculation Greece’s struggle to contain its budget deficit will deter investors from buying the region’s assets.

For ‘Safe’ Investors, This May Be a Challenging Year
By: Jeff Sommers The New York Times
Money market funds are paying investors next to nothing.More precisely, the 100 biggest funds are now paying 0.05 percent annually, on average, a yield as low as it has ever been, according to Peter G. Crane, the president of Crane Data of Westborough, Mass. “It’s so low it’s a joke,” Mr. Crane said. “At that yield, it would take more than 1,000 years to double your money.” This microscopic rate of return is part of the continuing fallout of the financial crisis — a consequence of the very loose monetary policy of the Federal Reserve and other central banks. They have held their benchmark short-term rates at rock-bottom levels while using unorthodox methods, known as “quantitative easing,” to restore the health of the global financial system.

Expect Dow 11,500-13,000 This Summer: Strategist
Markets are digesting mixed economic data over weakness in the jobs market, retail and government efforts to hold bailed-out bankers accountable. Will stocks prove to be resilient and go higher? Paul Schatz, president of Heritage Capital, and Andrew Kanaly, chairman of Kanaly Trust Company, weighed in. “The market’s setting up for a very routine, healthy, normal pullback of 4 to 7 percent,” Schatz told CNBC.“Maybe we have a percent or two left on the upside in the next week to 10 days.”Schatz said he expects markets to pull back up to 7 percent into late February before the rallying into the summer.“We’ll get to Dow 11,500 to 13,000,” he said. “It will be fairly broad-based—semiconductors, energy services and I like utilities—a lot of sectors are going to participate in that last rally.”

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