Monday, May 17, 2010

Update Daily Investment News

Terseret Regional, Sesi I IHSG Turun 65,12 Poin
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) sesi I pada perdagangan Awnin (17/5) ditutup turun 65,12 poin (2,28%) ke level 2.793,27 karena terimbas bursa regional yang negatif. Sementara nilai tukar rupiah dibuka stagnan di level 9.110 per dolar AS, sama dengan posisi penutupan akhir pekan kemarin
Sentul City Tambah Kepemilikan di Bukit Jonggol Asri
PT Sentul City Tbk (BKSL) akan menggunakan dana dari pelaksanaan Waran Seri I sebesar Rp350,59 miliar untuk meningkatkan penyertaan saham di PT Bukit Jonggol Asri (BJA).
PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) melepas 25$ sahamnya di Elnusa Tristar Ramba Limited (ETRL) ke Eurorich Group Limited.
Rencana rights issue Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) saat ini sedang dibahas di Komite privatisasi, di mana menurut Menneg BUMN akan terealisasi pada tahun ini.

PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk (KARK) akan melakukan rights issue dengan HMETD maksimum 18,904 miliar saham dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp100 senilai Rp1,89 triliun.

PT Nippon Indosari Corporindo (Sari Roti) akan melakukan penawaran umum perdana maksimum 151,8 juta saham biasa atas nama atau 15% dari modal disetor penuh setelah IPO.

Akuisisi 96,7% Saham AGRO, 'Buy' BBRI
Menneg BUMN mengatakan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) akan mengakuisisi hingga 96,7% saham Bank Agroniaga (AGRO).

Esia-Flexi Bersinergi, 'Hold' Saham BTEL
PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk (BTEL) dan Flexi, unit bisnis PT Telkom (TLKM) dikabarkan akan segera membentuk sinergi.
Anak Perusahaan DSSA Tambah Saham Senilai Rp12 M
Anak Perusahaan PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (DSSA) yaitu PT Kuansing Inti Makmur telah melakukan penyertaan pada 99% saham PT Karya Cemerlang Persada (KCP).

Bursa Asia Dibuka Negatif
Pasar saham Asia jatuh pada awal perdagangan Senin (17/5). Kekhawatiran pasar atas utang di Eropa menjadi katalisnya.
BBNI: Jadwal Pembagian Dividen
Berikut ini adalah jadwal pembagian dividen PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI) untuk tahun buku 2009:
Cum dividen di pasar reguler dan negosiasi : 8 Juni 2010
Ex dividen di pasar reguler dan negosiasi : 9 Juni 2010
Cum dividen di pasar tunai : 11 Juni 2010
Ex dividen di pasar tunai : 14 Juni 2010
Recording date : 11 Juni 2010
Payment date : 25 Juni 2010.

BMRI: Dividen Bank Mandiri 35%
BBNI: Jadwal Pembagian Dividen
BBCA: Catat Pemegang Kartu Kredit Dekati 2,1 Juta
BNGA: CIMB Tambah Saham di CIMB Niaga
TLKM: Esia-Flexi Segera Bersinergi
MPPA: Penjualan 1Q10 Naik Sebesar 13,3% Jadi Rp 3,3 Triliun
PTPP: Siapkan Dana Rp1,2 Triliun
JRPT: Jaya Property Segera Tuntaskan Akuisisi
MLPL: Siap Lunasi Utang
LPLI: Laba Bersih Mencapai Rp115,9 Triliun
MAYA: Rights Issue Rp500 M
INDY: Raih Kontrak US$1,5 Miliar
AQUA: Mesti Siapkan Dana Tender Offer Rp334,5 Miliar
ELTY: Berencana akuisisi BKSL.

Saham PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (ASRI) berpeluang menembus level Rp200-225 untuk jangka pendek. Potensi penguatan saham ASRI tersebut terkait kabar perseroan yang akan menambah asetnya diproperti dengan mengakusisi sejumlah perusahaan properti yang bergerak di bidang perkantoran dan perhotelan. Konon, perseroan sudah menggandeng mitra strategis untuk mendukung terealisasinya akuisisi tersebut.

Para bandar disebut-sebut bakal memburu saham PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) dalam waktu dekat terkait kabar perseroan yang ingin fokus pada bisnis pengembangan sumber daya alam. Setelah memiliki 11,21% saham PT Gozco Plantations Tbk (GZCO), perseroan dikabarkan bakal meningkatkan kepemilikan saham pada perusahaan perkebunan tersebut. Perseroan juga disebut-sebut ingin menambah kepemilikan saham PT Star Energy yang bergerak di sektor energi.

Hari ini (17/5), cum dividen BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFIN) Rp 78 per saham Ex date (18 Mei 2010) PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) akan membagikan dividen sebesar Rp 143 per lembar saham untuk tahun buku 2009, atau setara dengan 100% dari laba bersih perseroan. Laba bersih perseroan tahun lalu sebesar US$ 1,59 juta.

Mata uang tunggal euro jatuh ke titik terendahnya sejak Oktober 2008. Terus berlanjutnya kekhawatiran investor seputar krisis utang di Uni Eropa membuat euro terus tertekan pada awal perdagangan pekan ini. Pada perdagangan Senin (17/5/2010) di Tokyo, euro jatuh ke 1,2236 dolar, dibandingkan posisi penutupan di New York akhir pekan lalu di 1,2358 dolar. Namun euro selanjutnya pulih ke posisi 1,2353 dolar.

Daily Forex Technicals

Written by FXtechtrade


Today's support: - 1.2206, 1.2178 and 1.2150(main), where correction is possible. Break would give 1.2124, where correction also may be. Then follows 1.2103. Break of the latter would result in 1.2080. If a strong impulse, we would see 1.2048. Continuation will give 1.2026.

Today's resistance: - 1.2424, 1.2476 and 1.2512(main). Break would give 1.2549, where a correction is possible. Then goes 1.2573. Break of the latter would result in 1.2600. If a strong impulse, we'd see 1.2655. Continuation will give 1.2676.


Today's support: - 91.58(main). Break would bring 91.34, where correction is possible. Then 91.01, where a correction may also happen. Break of the latter will give 90.79. If a strong impulse, we would see 90.37. Continuation would give 90.05.

Today's resistance: - 92.70, 93.04, 93.17 and 93.66(main), where a correction may happen. Break would bring 94.15, where also a correction may be. Then 94.40. If a strong impulse, we would see 94.68. Continuation will give 95.11.


Today's support: - 10530.17(main), where a delay and correction may happen. Break of the latter will give 10479.30, where correction also can be. Then follows 10445.63. Be there a strong impulse, we shall see 10429.72. Continuation will bring 10378.13.

Today's resistance: - 10711.80, 10734.50 and 10769.26(main), where a delay and correction may happen. Break would bring 10804.63, where a correction may happen. Then follows 10832.65, where a delay and correction could also be. Be there a strong impulse, we'd see 10866.70. Continuation would bring 10911.50 and 10932.37.

Daily Forex Technicals Written by
The pair surpassed the awaited key targets and managed to achieve more negative pressure that will breach support for the main descending channel at 1.2330. This level will meet with the recorded bottom at the end of October 2008; thus, we expected the pair to witness a more bearish short term direction. Some fluctuation will be witnessed to retest the breached support level before heading towards upcoming targets that are around 1.2150 then 1.2000. It is vital that closing is below 1.2330 to achieve mentioned targets.
The trading range for today is among the key support at 1.2000 and the key resistance at 1.2500.
The short term trend is to the downside as far as 1.3770 remains intact with targets at 1.1700.
Support: 1.2235, 1.2190, 1.2160, 1.2125, 1.2060
Resistance: 1.2330, 1.2385, 1.2440, 1.2500, 1.2575
Recommendation Based on the charts and explanations above our opinion is selling the pair from 1.2330 targeting 1.2150 and stop loss above 1.2500, might be appropriate.
The pair continued moving to the downside to touch support for the main descending channel shown above at 1.4250. Momentum indicators are showing positive signs that may push for some minor bullish correction; however, in overall it is expected to remain bearish, while targets start at 1.4100 then 1.4000. We recommend observing today's trading as we await signs that will insure the expected direction that will prevail if 1.4250 is breached.
The trading range for today is among the key support at 1.4000 and the key resistance at 1.4700.
The short term trend is to the downside as far as 1.5590 remains intact with targets at 1.4000.
Support: 1.4335, 1.4250, 1.4195, 1.4125, 1.4035
Resistance: 1.4395, 1.4455, 1.4525, 1.4590, 1.4650
Recommendation Based on the charts and explanations above our opinion is to observe trading and await more confirmation signs for the pair’s direction, might be appropriate.

The pair continues to move according to our previous reports after insuring a breach of pivotal support that has currently turned into resistance at 92.20, where more bearish movement is expected for this week. Keep in mind that that support is at 91.10, which could impede the pair's attempt to bearishly move. Momentum indicators are showing negative signs that support these expectations of a bearish trend as key targets are at 90.20 then 89.50. It is vital that 93.85 remain intact to insure achieving expectations.
The trading range for today is among the key support at 89.50 and the key resistance at 93.85.
The short term trend is to the downside as far as 101.65 remains intact with targets at 82.60
Support: 91.80, 91.10, 90.65, 90.20, 89.5
Resistance: 92.20, 92.65, 93.10, 93.85, 94.80
Recommendation Based on the charts and explanations above our opinion is selling the pair from 92.20 target 90.20 and stop loss above 93.85, might be appropriate.

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