Monday, May 10, 2010

Update Daily Investment News

Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dibuka menguat 56 poin seiring tren penguatan seluruh bursa Asia setelah IMF menyepakati pinjaman EUR 30 miliar ke Yunani. Nilai tukar rupiah juga menguat ke level 9.150/US$. Pada perdagangan Senin (10/5/2010), IHSG dibuka naik tipis ke level 2.739,927 dan langsung menguat ke level 2.795,402, naik 56 poin dibanding penutupan akhir pekan lalu di level 2.739,333. Indeks LQ 45 juga menguat 12,268 poin (2,33%) ke level 537,638.

    * MPPA: Cetak Laba Rp 38,11 M di Triwulan I-2010
    * BLTA: Berlian Laju Cari Utang Untuk Akuisisi
    * BMRI: BSM Gunakan Tambahan Modal
    * SMCB: Produsen Semen Mulai Fokus ke Luar Jawa
    * MEDC: Medco-Libia Investasi US$321 Juta
    * TMPI: Dapat Tambahan Dana Dari GEM Rp450 Miliar
    * MASA: Raih Utang US$175 Juta
    * BLTA: Berlian Laju Cari Utang Untuk Akuisisi
    * IPO: IPO Nippon Indosari Segera Efektif

PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk (BII) dikabarkan bakal meningkatkan kepemilikan saham di PT Wahana Ottomitra Mulitartha Tbk (WOMF) dari 50,03% menjadi di atas 90%. Konon, BII mau menguasai mayoritas saham WOMF seperti dilakukan PT Bank Dananom Tbk (BDMN) terhadap PT Aldira Dinamika Multifinance Tbk (ADMF) sebanyak 95,5%.

Saham PT Intiland Developmnet Tbk (DILD) kabarbnya bakal dikerek ke level Rp1.500 karena perseroan telah merampungkan pembangunan Ngoro Industrial Park tahap kedua di Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Seluruh unit properti komersial pada lahan seluas 240 ha tersebut laku terjual. Intiland kini dikabarkan menyiapkan pengembangan Ngoro Industrial Park tahap ketiga dengan mengakusisi lahan seluas 700 ha senilai Rp300 miliar.

AKR Berminat Ikut Tender Solar 1,5 Jt KL PLN
PT AKR Corporindo berminat mengikuti tender suplai HSD (Solar) 1,5 juta kilo liter (KL) untuk beberapa pembangkit milik PT PLN (Persero).

Ciputra Tunjuk 3 Kontraktor Bangun Ciputra World Jakarta
PT Ciputra Property Tbk (CTRP) resmi menunjuk tiga joint operation sebagai kontraktor utama pembangunan mega proyek Ciputra World Jakarta dengan kontrak Rp1,055 triliun.

  Total Gaet Kontrak Senilai Rp 650 Miliar di Kuartal I 2010
Total optimistis bisa membukukan kontrak senilai Rp 3,5 triliun tahun ini.

  Pertamina Beli Saham Induk Usaha Medco?
Kabarnya, Pertamina sejak dua tahun lalu mengincar kepemilikan saham di MEDC.

  Potensi Bearish
Sepekan lalu, investor asing membukukan penjualan bersih Rp 1,77 triliun.

Indonesian Economy Expands at Fastest Pace Since 2008
(Bloomberg) -- Indonesia’s economy grew at the fastest pace in more than a year last quarter as record-low interest rates boosted consumer spending and exports and investment recovered.

EU Crafts $962 Billion Show of Force to Halt Euro Crisis
(Bloomberg) -- European policy makers unveiled an unprecedented loan package worth almost $1 trillion and a program of bond purchases as they spearheaded a global drive to stop a sovereign-debt crisis that threatened to shatter confidence in the euro.

China Stocks RSI Signals Buy After Plunge: Technical Analysis
(Bloomberg) -- China’s stock market is poised to rebound from eight-month lows as a momentum indicator signaled the shares were oversold, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. and DMG & Partners Securities.

MSCI Asian Gauge May Retreat 18%: Technical Analysis (Bloomberg) -- The MSCI Asia Pacific Index may fall as much as 18 percent from yesterday’s close of 119.85 after falling through its 200-day moving average today, according to BGC Partners.

China’s Stocks Have ‘Corrected Enough,’ BofA Says (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- China’s stocks have “corrected enough” and investors should consider buying equities as the probability of a hard landing for the economy is “not that high,” according to BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.

EU Bailout a 'Double-Edged Sword ': Strategist
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is widely acknowledged as an expert on the Great Depression and the policy errors that led to it that intensified the economic and social misery.

Bull Market Signaled by Oil Stocks at 19 Times Profit (Update1)
(Bloomberg) -- Investors in oil shares are more bullish on the U.S. economy than any time in the last eight years, convinced the biggest decline in equities since the bull market began will prove a buying opportunity.

Bull Market Socked by Sovereign Woes
In theory, riots in Athens shouldn't cause the Dow to plunge. But the European debt crisis is undermining two, near-canonical assumptions that have come to underpin markets.;_ylt=Ah251HNkWz37zJS6_D_k3CW7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFhMWd1dWVhBHBvcwM0BHNlYwNwZXJzb25hbEZpbmFuY2UEc2xrA3RoZXJlYWx0aHJlYQ--?mod=bb-budgeting

Why a Rising Unemployment Rate is Good News
It sounds dreadful. After drifting down consistently since last fall, the unemployment rate has suddenly shot up again, from 9.7 percent in March to 9.9 percent in April. But don't despair: A rising unemployment rate is actually one of the best signs yet that the economy is bouncing back.;_ylt=AkVn8pv1tbhPoFksIbwQb6K7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFhcHVxcDJkBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNzcGVjaWFsRmVhdHVyZXMEc2xrA3doeXJpc2luZ3VuZQ--?x=0

Why an Extended Bear Market is Likely
It now appears the 14-month old bull market that so many analysts, mutual fund managers, investors and Wall Street types said would perpetually continue, has changed its mind. In fact it appears, all along it was never really a new bull market, but a bear market rally cloaked in sheep's clothing.;_ylt=AoUDg4IJeR.gpbK4ykgAYLG7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTFhZ2hzdnY4BHBvcwM4BHNlYwNzcGVjaWFsRmVhdHVyZXMEc2xrA3doeWFuZXh0ZW5kZQ--?x=0

Sumber: Bloomberg,, kontan,

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